
Showing posts from April, 2024

Week #77

  He's learning fast! This has pretty much been my week. I would sit next to Elder Healy and watch while he did the finances. We were interrupted once in a while by vehicle problems but Elder Healy was determined to put them on the back burner so he could learn as much as he could about his new position. He'll have some challenging days but will do fine. His replacement as vehicle coordinator does not arrive until the first week in June so it will be a busy, and perhaps trying, period for Elder Healy. Even if he makes mistakes, it is never something that can't be fixed. Cafe  Verona  Travis and Jenny had given us gift certificates to a couple of restaurants in Independence that we needed to use before we departed. This week was a good time to use them as there is not much left food-wise in our apartment. Nick and Norma King had called and set up Tuesday lunch to take us out, but since we had the certificate for Cafe Verona, we ended up taking them out. We had been there a c

Week #76

We've had a busy, nice Sabbath but it is late and time to get ready for bed. E./S. Healy, Mom, S. Hunsaker S. Dennison Monday we were able to view the eclipse. Mom said it was 80% but it was more like 90%. The temperature actually cooled down a couple of degrees. Like mom said, it was nice to view but I wouldn't travel too far just to see it.  Z.C. lunch with S. Crosby The Hegvik's Wednesday was Zone Conference. Mom and I were asked to bare our testimonies which was nice. Sister Crosby and Bro. and Sister Hegvik helped serve us lunch. It was good to see them all again. S. Healy took this picture Can't see them all but there are 34 Elder Healy is up to his neck in cars. Before he took ten old ones to the auction, there were 34 cars on the lot. He ran out of room and couldn't get to the trailer. He had 10 Elders drive cars to the auction on Friday morning. It was not a good experience at the auction as they weren't very helpful. Men's table Tonight, the office

Week #75

Just a few words and a couple of pictures. Elder Healy has been so busy with new vehicles that we haven't had much time to spend with him learning Lots of money on the lot. finances. We plan to hit it hard this week. He's gotten lots of new vehicles in but not many licenses plates so they are piling up on the lot. He has 34 of them down there at this time. Ten are ready to sale but he doesn't know when they will be picked up. The rest are new vehicles but no license plates and he won't send them out until he gets the plates. There is not much room for more cars, so he is going to tell the dealers they'll have to keep them until he gets room to store them. Hopefully, plates will start showing up soon. Sis. Dennison and Sisters This evening we had dinner at the Dennison's. They been here about three months. A couple of Sister missionaries ended up having dinner with us. It was a fun time as they wanted to hear about our other missions. Mom and I decided we have lo