Week #77


He's learning fast!
This has pretty much been my week. I would sit next to Elder Healy and watch while he did the finances. We were interrupted once in a while by vehicle problems but Elder Healy was determined to put them on the back burner so he could learn as much as he could about his new position. He'll have some challenging days but will do fine. His replacement as vehicle coordinator does not arrive until the first week in June so it will be a busy, and perhaps trying, period for Elder Healy. Even if he makes mistakes, it is never something that can't be fixed.

Cafe Verona 

Travis and Jenny had given us gift certificates to a couple of restaurants in Independence that we needed to use before we departed. This week was a good time to use them as there is not much left food-wise in our apartment. Nick and Norma King had called and set up Tuesday lunch to take us out, but since we had the certificate for Cafe Verona, we ended up taking them out. We had been there a couple of other times and noticed the changes the place has had to make with inflation being what it is. Portions were smaller and the bread that used to be complimentary was no more. Mom's salad was mostly lettuce. 

Thursday, mom and I used the other certificate for dinner at Ophelia's. It is a high class place and the food was very good. I had a Duroc pork chop and it was excellent. I'd never heard of it but apparently it is a special breed of pig. It had a couple of ribs sticking out of it and was huge - enough for my lunch the next day. Mom had sirloin strips and we both had fried crispy brussel sprouts which doesn't sound good, but were tasty. Anyway, thanks Travis and Jenny. We weren't keeping track but ended up with 94 cents left on the gift certificate. 😀

As mom said, we will be leaving Wednesday. We have to be out of the parking lot by 7:00 a.m. for it to be resurfaced so we'll need to get everything packed either the night before or early Wednesday. We'll head south to visit with Uncle Bill and have lunch. I'm not sure how late we'll be when we head west or how far we'll make it that day, but I won't drive at night. We've been invited by the Gable's (senior couple from Russia) to stay the night with them but I don't think we'll make it that far. They are an hour's drive north of Denver.

It has been a good year and a half and we have enjoyed serving here and being able to visit Church sites. A sister missionary asked mom if she was sad or excited to leave and she said, "yes and yes." That's pretty much how we feel. We are excited to get home to a couple of "farewells", attend high school graduations, to go to the temple with our new missionaries, and to enjoy summer. Plus, we are anxious to see the new Orem temple! With that, we are grateful that we were called to serve and help to gather Israel in Missouri and to see the Kingdom grow in this area. In addition, we will miss friendships established here.

 It will be interesting to see what the future holds. We love you all and please know we'd love to see you when you happen to be in Orem. There is a finished basement waiting for you! 😍

Missouri Independence Mission office

And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved.  Omni 1:26


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