Week #2

It was a busy week in the office and it was nice to have it broken up with Zone Conference on Friday. We have been going into the office early, usually getting there before 8:00. For some reason I am waking up about 5:30 and lay in bed until 5:45 before deciding I might as well hit the shower. This doesn't make sense as that makes it 4:30 Utah time. In a perfect world I would be waking up at 6:30.

I am feeling more comfortable with things in the office.
The Office (middle door is ours)
Sister Gillispie, a former finance secretary who lives in the area, came in a couple of days and sat down with me. She was a great help as she sat by my side and let me do things. Sister Welbern knows so much but doesn't have the time to sit by my side. Sister Gillispie will be coming again on Tuesday so I am making a list of things I need help on. The only problem is that I don't know what I don't know, if that makes sense. 

We went shopping a couple of times this week and keep getting shocked at the price of food - even at Sam's Club and Costco. I saw an offer to join Sam's Club for $25 so decided to join as it is close to us. Saturday crowds are crazy! I'm used to going to Costco early Saturday morning for shopping and gas when things are pretty calm. No such thing as Saturday morning calm around here. We might try Saturday evening and see if it is better. One thing that is cheaper here is gas. It has dropped about 25 cents from when we arrived. It is down to $3.07 a gallon. I bought gas Saturday at Sam's for $3.11 and later that day it was down to $3.07.😢 We are pretty well settled into our apartment. We've made it comfortable although it seems cold even when the thermostat is at 72. We just wrap up good. 

Seniors FHE
We attended FHE with the Senior missionaries Monday evening. It's amazing how many we have in the mission - somewhere around 30. Some of those are assigned to the Historical mission but we still meet with them for FHE. We're also responsible for their housing and rent/utilities payment.

Lost/found keys
We did lose/find the keys this week. It was decided that they dropped them out of my pocket while out shopping on Saturday although I couldn't imagine how. After making new keys at Home Depot (just around the corner) I went back to Walmart and Sam's to see if they were turned in. No. That ate up a good part of my Saturday afternoon as there were long lines at customer service. Today after church I decided to try under the car seats one more time - I had done that twice - and there they were. I kept thinking they couldn't have just dropped out of my pocket so the car was the only other place. I didn't mind having to replace the apartment and mail key but the office key was a different story. So that was a tender mercy. 

short update
Branch building 
 I really enjoyed attending our new branch today. I was surprised at the attendance but was told it was large today most likely due to it being Primary sacrament meeting. There was just a really sweet spirit in attendance and we love it already. I think they will keep us busy as only 30% of the branch has personal transportation so most will need to be picked up for church and activities. As you can tell the members are mostly low income yet are very loving and humble. And the branch president (assigned by the stake) is great and perfect for the calling. Most of the leaders are assigned by the stake. The Spanish members used to meet with this branch and was a ward so hence the nice building. They gave the Spanish their own ward and building.

An eight year old was baptized after church and I sat by Randy and his wife Shelley. He joined the church 17 years ago and decide he wants to go to the temple and yet he has never even received the Aaronic Priesthood. Today was their first day back. I hope he sticks with it. The Elders set an appointment to meet with he and his wife this week. There are two sets of Elders and a set of Sisters assigned to the branch and they seem like great missionaries. 

We had a fun farewell dinner for the King's Friday night. We finally got our picture with Pres. and Sister Ames so to my way of thinking we are officially in the mission. He is originally from Moroni, UT but doesn't remember much about it as they moved to the SLC area when he was eight. He does remember playing Little League baseball in Fairview.

P.S. I'll catch on to the blog formatting one of these weeks! ðŸ¤ª 
President and Sister Ames


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