Week #74

I've been fighting a head cold all week. So far, I haven't taken any days off or missed any appointments but I sure haven't felt "with it." Yesterday, we got home from the temple about 1:30. We had a dinner appointment at 3:00 and I laid back in my chair for a few minutes. Bad mistake. Colleen started shaking my leg at 2:45 and I had no idea what was going on. I was totally out of it. I've done that same thing two or three times this week and it is not a good feeling. I think I'm about on top of things today although I'm still feeling drugged and weak.


Thursday morning was transfers and, as I have not witnessed one, I made a point of going down to the stake center to watch. It was a big let down. I thought there would be some kind of drama to the pairing up of companionships but, no, no drama. When all the missionaries had gathered in the parking lot, the assistants opened up an app for viewing and then the missionaries wandered around to find their new companion. Boring, but I guess it is in line with this generation.

A pretty new sign
Far West
Thursday afternoon we headed over to the Sommerfeldt's home for lunch with the departing missionaries. I drove a mission van as it was needed so all the missionaries could be transported in two vehicles. We had a nice lunch and then loaded up and drove to Far West. President Sommerfeldt told some of the history of the place and we wandered around for a while. We then visited a member owned bookstore/gift shop where you could buy souvenirs.  Then it was over to Adam-ondi-Ahman whe
name tag holders
re we walked the grounds and President Sommerfeldt talked again about what will transpire there. We then went to a makeshift chapel for a testimony meeting. A senior missionary couple met us there and had
My favorite spot 
Preacher's rock
the place set up for us. At the end of our meeting, they gave us each a name tag holder made out of wood cut from trees on the grounds. Really nice. As I wasn't feeling well, I had President Sommerfeldt drive home. Both of us had problems staying under the speed limit and the tiwi would let us know. What an obnoxious device that is but I guess it does its job. Once we were back at the mission home we had a nice dinner. The other missionaries then watched a video and had dessert but mom and I bugged out. We didn't get home until 9:00 as it was. 

Laundry all done
Saturday I woke up late and in a stupor so mom went grocery shopping by herself. We then got the bedding bags for the new missionaries from the cave to the stake center. We waited an hour or so in the office - I slept - and then went for a session at the temple. I actually stayed awake the whole time as I think they intentionally keep the temperature low so you will stay awake. It was cold. After that I had my "nap" and then over to Sister Hunsaker's for dinner. In between all this, mom was doing laundry.

Today was, of course, Easter Sunday. We had a nice Sacrament meeting and then it was home to prepare dinner for Nick and Norma King. This evening, there is a Zoom devotional for all the missionaries. And then bed.

And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

Matthew 28:5=6


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