Week #7 Christmas Day 2022

Table set up for zone conference Merry Christmas Day everyone! We've had a very nice day in the mission field. Sacrament meeting was special with a wonderful spirit. I love singing the Christmas hymns. There were a few testimonies borne and a lot of music. This past week we've experienced how musically talented some of the missionaries are. Some performed at zone conference and a couple during our sacrament meeting today. Our grandkids need to keep up their musical training as it will be a blessing to them in the future. I guess missionaries are now encouraged to bring their instruments with them as two played the cello, one a flute and a couple of violins. They were impressive. Troy and Joseph and half of Pres. Maloney 😏 Tory and Joseph were baptized after sacrament meeting. What a special day to be baptized. Both had a good spirit about them and Tory seems like a lifelong member. President Maloney baptized both of them. He is a wonderful branch president and spoke some insp...