Week #4

Mom, brother and the three girls
The branch had a baptism last evening and three cute sisters were baptized. There was a good spirit the whole meeting and a good turnout by the branch. The stake president and mission president were in attendance. One of the girls wanted it on Saturday evening as she is shy and hoped not many showed up.  Many times our wishes don't come true. The mom is speaks Swahili and hardly any
Baptism selfie

English and is not a member. The little brother is a hoot as you can probably tell from the picture. The branch was well represented as the Y.W. president and Primary president welcomed the girls into the organizations. The youngest will be leaving Primary soon. The sister missionaries who taught them sang a song and did a really nice job on it. 

The mission president suggested to the missionaries that they "fast" for the month of December in order to reach their goal of 360 baptisms for the year. They had 302 as of Thursday so it will be a stretch. Of course they are not really fasting from food and drink as we know it but fasting in the sense of sacrificing or consecrating something to the Lord for the month. Kind of like Lent but hopefully something more permanent. They certainly have the faith to make it happen.

Mom's new digs
When we got here on the 8th the office staff was in the process of moving back into the regular office space as it had been painted and carpeted. But only temporary desks were moved back in. Tuesday we (read young missionaries) moved all the regular furniture back into the office. My space was moved into the room with the vehicle coordinator which was fine by me. It is a closed- in room and stays warmer than the rest of the office if the doors are closed. Mom has a little desk as she helps the housing person and does whatever else is needed. She'll take over receptionist and referral duties in January when the current sister will be going home. Then she'll have a regular desk and greet people as they come into the office. She'll be a different experience for those coming in as the current sister is all sweetness and hugs. Definitely not your mother's personality. Mom mentioned this week how different the attitude is compared to our other missions. Here the missionaries are encouraged to visit the office when they are around and have a full candy jar waiting for them. In Russia they had to be invited to the office and then only waited in the foyer and did not enter the office space.
Dad's new space

A few of the highlights for the week:
Gas continues to go down. It's around $2.79 in most places. Hopefully, the trend continues.

Temperatures fluctuate everyday. One day it barely gets above freezing and the next day it is in the high 50's. I hope we don't get colds.
My good buddy Bill sent us some cash and a gift card to Burger King. There is a story behind this from back in our Navy days but I'll only say that he owed me. 😁 We'll enjoy the burgers. He also promises to come see us sometime.

"The bigger the burger the 
better the burger the burgers
are bigger at Burger King"

Mom gave me a trim on Saturday. She doesn't like cutting my hair but she'll  give me a trim. I'll go to a barber when I need a serious cut. She's done it all on previous missions. I (and mom) miss having Alisa and Jana do it for me.

Mom and the other sisters decorated the office for Christmas so......it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

I'm still making plenty of mistakes with the finances but not nearly as many as before. And nothing too terribly serious. And most I can figure out what I did wrong. 
She's actually smiling

We had a least two non members-who were first timers to the branch get up during testimony meeting. One ended her thoughts by signing herself as Catholics do. I thought it was sweet.

We went with other seniors to Living Windows in downtown Independence on Friday. I was anticipating a traveling show but it was local merchants who put "living displays" in their shop windows. It was nice. A few pictures are below.

Merry Christmas and watch the First Presidency Christmas devotional tonight.

"...remember that there is no other way nor means whereby man can be saved, only through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, who shall come; yea, remember that he cometh to redeem the world." Helaman 5:9

(I can't get pictures to display parallel to each other!)




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