Week #5

Out for our walk
Collen and I decided that we need to get more exercise as we sit most of the day at our desks with our responsibilities. The most exercise I get it walking to and from the printer. So this week we began walking after eating lunch and it was nice. A bit cold at times but it still felt good to get outside and get some fresh air. We take about thirty minutes but not sure how far we walk. On Thursday, one of the Elders was driving past when he saw us and took a picture to share with us. For some reason, I really like the picture. Now if I get fat sitting at my desk I can at least say I tried to stay in shape. Our apartment complex has a gym but I haven't convinced myself to get up at 5:30 or so and walk in the cold to the gym. Maybe come springtime it will be different as it's not like I'm not awake. We do need to set an alarm to remind us of our walk as Friday we got so busy that we forgot.

The Remnant Church headquarters
On one of our walks we went around the temple lot and came to the headquarters of The Remnant Church. It is a breakoff of the Community of Christ Church, the former RLDS church. They did not agree with some of the recent changes in the Community of Christ church and their headquarters is now an old high school just north of the Temple Lot. So now within that block there are three breakoffs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Community of Christ (250,00 members), The Remnant Church (2,000 members), and the Church of Christ Temple Lot (7,500 members). The Temple Lot church has a meeting house located on the Temple Lot. And of course we have a visitor's center in that same block. There may be others that I'm not aware of as yet. That's quite a bit of church for a city block. Mom and I are amazed at the number of churches in the area. Seems to be one on every block. I told her that was better than bars. 

We are feeling comfortable in our apartment. It is located in a complex called The Mansion. The office is in an old mansion which must have been something back in its day. There are eight apartments in
The Mansion

each building and maybe 60 buildings in all. There are 550 apartments on the grounds. Quite a complex. The mission rents about a dozen apartments here, mostly seniors but some young missionaries. There are two swimming pools, a tennis court, a racquetball court, and as mentioned, a gym. The grounds are very well maintained and maintenance is very responsive. The apartments are starting to get dated so I'm sure maintenance is kept busy. There is a gazebo and a pond with geese. And lots of squirrels.

Branch Christmas party. Pres. Maloney at left

We are also enjoying our the Riverview branch. The chapel is close to downtown Kansas City as we can see the tall downtown buildings as we drive to church. Currently, there are three sets of missionaries assigned to the branch and two senior couples, us and the Allreds. It seems there is always something going on. Mom and I could be more involved if we
weren't in the office all day. The branch does a lot of humanitarian outreach. It even has a small food bank in the church. Last week they were excited as there were over a hundred people in attendance for sacrament meeting. The missionaries are really good and work hard and are much appreciated by the branch members. We love President Maloney. He is the perfect branch president for this branch. 

Highlights for the week:
Mom and her helpers and some old guy.
The stake held a Christmas dinner for all full time missionaries in the stake plus stake leadership. A wonderful dinner. I really liked a corn and cheese dish they had. And the missionaries put on skits for a program. The dinner is a tradition each year.

Sister Welbern treated the office staff to lunch on Friday. I had a Reuben sandwich which was good. The sauerkraut was actually somewhat sweet. Sister Welbern leaves in February and we'd better get ready as she has all the answers. One of the smartest persons I've met. A whiz on Excel.

Done. Don't laugh. You didn't see the others.

Making gingerbread manger scene with four kids - the three girls baptized last week and their brother Dave. Dave and I mostly directed and ate the decorations. Mom is quite the gingerbread house maker. The rest of the nativity got eaten.

Got money put on the missionary cards for the next two weeks. Hope I didn't make any mistakes. They
get $90 every two weeks. Next week I pay the rent and that takes some doing. Hopefully it will go better than last month. I think I finally got everything paid for December and of course there are many rent increase for the new year as leases are expiring.

Finished a diamond painting I was doing for Brynlee. She is learning bass guitar at school this year and picked out the one I just finished.  It took a month. Now I have to figure out a way to get it to her. I work on them in the evening and listen to music or downloaded books. I find it very relaxing and a good time to contemplate life. I'll make one for any of you. Just go on Amazon and let me know which one. You can search the type of picture you want (i.e. diamond painting guitars). I'll buy it but you have to provide the frame. 😍

Smart Sister Welbern

Have a good week and know we love you. I know the church is true just watching eighteen years olds (just six years out of Primary!) do the missionary work.

D.&C. 100:1-2 (edited)

Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you, my friends Colleen and John, your families are well; they are in mine hands, and I will do with them as seemeth me good; for in me there is all power. Therefore, follow me, and listen to the counsel which I shall give unto you.

Our apartment

Brynlee's diamond painting


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