Week #18

Good to be gone
Elder Hegvik had us pick up 20 new Nissan Rogues this week on Wednesday and Thursday. I drove the mission van the second day with 12 missionaries in it. I was extra careful with the precious cargo I had on board. Both coming and going it was a downpour but all made it safely. A truck did come this week and pick up eight of the vehicles which was a blessing. It was fun to watch them do their thing. The biggest problem is still where to park all the cars safely.

We had Sister Welbern's farewell party Friday after work. Not sure who I will be able to run to when I hit a problem but I'll survive somehow. She gave us all a characterization drawing of the office staff which was amazing. She had sister senior missionary, who was released along with her husband a while back, draw it off of a photograph. She had never seen half of us. There are some talented people in this world.

Sister Ethington's daughter from Utah came out to visit her for a couple of days on Thursday. Elder Hegvik gave Sister Ethington a sign to put over her working space.

Not hard to find mom and me.

I was able to get my taxes done for another year this week. It didn't come out as good as I had hoped but wasn't as bad as it could have been. I don't understand why it has to be so complicated. I like just having to move the decimal point one place.

We had nice meetings in our branch today. The Allred's leave for home tomorrow morning and the branch will miss them as they have been assigned as MLS missionaries there and have done a great job. They are coming to our place for dinner this evening.  There was a linger-longer after the block - kind of a farewell party for the Allred's. Whenever there is food there is a great turnout!😉

The Allred's and some other couple
I sent a Ancestry DNA kit to a lady who I think is a granddaughter to the man I feel is Grandma Perry's biological father. I am anxious to get the results but I'm not sure I'll know what to do with it. She sent the test back this week. Basically, the whole family still lives in Texas near San Antonio so that at least fits the profile.

We did a Costco run for the office this week. Candy for the jar and water. The missionaries suck it up quickly. You don't want to know how much that costs. We were able to go in the late afternoon so it wasn't too busy. Not my favorite activity.

Candy jar in office. That's 
me in the back

When will we end this spring forward, fall backward nonsense?

Mom told you we finished and started the Book of Mormon again this week. It gets truer each time.

I finished another diamond painting and will start Kylie's next.

Two of my favorite missionaries

Lingering longer

Goodbye Sister Welbern


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