Week #27

 Happy Mother's Day to you moms - especially my daughters and daughters-in-law. Mom has set a wonderful example for all of you. 

It is blowing and raining sheets out right now so I hope I can finish this without electricity going out.

We celebrated Mother's Day yesterday. After cleaning the apartment we went shopping. Besides grocery shopping we went to Hobby Lobby. For a junk store it is a pretty nice store. By junk, I mean there's not much in there that is a necessity. We bought mom a better watercolor set and some paper. I saw a puzzle that I liked that is 39 x 27 inches. If I had looked at the size I probably wouldn't have bought it as mom has to do it on the kitchen table.

Yesterday afternoon we took some of the single sisters to dinner at Olive Garden. We had invited all the single missionary sisters in the mission (8) but only four were able to come. Olive Garden is not my favorite but it was still nice.

A few ready for inspection
We had Zone Conference this week and we attended on Wednesday. President and Sister Ames have only one more Zone Conference before they are released. Elder Hegvik inspects the cars each conference. He has some missionaries help him and for the first time this week some service missionaries were asked to help with the inspections with mixed success. Overall, it went pretty well for the first time. We also picked up four new Chevy Equinoxes on Monday so Elder Hegvik was able to get them out to missionaries at Zone Conference.

I started the rent paying process for June on Friday and will finish up this week. I have one apartment complex that has owed the Church $700 security deposit since we closed an apartment there in October. I wrote them a formal letter a couple of weeks ago but still haven't heard a thing from them. Yet if we were late 5 days on rent they would start adding late fees. We still rent two apartments there so I can't get too nasty with them.

That's about it for the week. The weather is still up and down. It has been as high as the lower 90's but tomorrow's high is mid 60's. I enjoy all the rain. Only a couple of pictures this week.

“In the months and years ahead, events are likely to require each member to decide whether or not he [or she] will follow the First Presidency. Members will find it more difficult to halt longer between two opinions. …Let us leave a record so that the choices are clear, letting others do as they will in the face of prophetic counsel. … Jesus said that when the fig trees put forth their leaves, ‘summer is nigh.’ … Thus warned that summer is upon us, let us not then complain of the heat!” Elder Neal A. Maxwell

New Visitor Center president - President 
and Sister Forsyth


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