Week #60

Alisa and kids. One thing they bought was a goat.
I'm going to take a Christmas break and do mostly pictures today. Besides, mom has already told you most of the news. 

We enjoyed our sacrament meeting today. Short and sweet. The last two weeks we have been asked to pick up a former branch member who now lives about 25 miles south of us and then we have to go another 15 miles north to get to the branch. He hopes to move back into the branch again soon. And he is such a polite man - all "yes sir" and "no ma'am." We thought he might be in his 70's but when finding out about his family he is in his mid 50's. We could be his parents!

DevinKim and family 
minus Jace. Chickens,
diapers, food...

We went to Colleen's cousin Norma's annual Christmas dinner last night and the senior missionaries are having a potluck Christmas dinner tomorrow afternoon. I think that will be it for Christmas dinners this year. Thank heavens. 

Tuesday, Shawna and Slava and the two kids come to visit and will leave Friday morning. I hope the weather holds out for them even though it is supposed to be 20 degrees colder. I knew the high 50's couldn't last too much longer. It has been raining all day and we may get a little snow tomorrow.

Gas jumped 30 cents in one day. 😢

Christmas dinner at the Sommerfeldt's

I like!

Elders as Christmas elves.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.


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