Week #64


Adolphine and son Yomani + Elders Robinson 
and Karras
It was cold enough that I ended up taking only two pictures this week and I took those so I'd have something to share on my blog.

Mom and I were asked to speak at a baptism Saturday at noon. It had been canceled from the week before. It was again a cold day but not as cold and wintery as last Saturday. Not too many were in attendance but there was a good spirit. We found out afterward that Adolphine, the mom, doesn't speak much English. She speaks Swahili so the Elders should have tried to get a translator there for her as I'm not sure she got much out of our talks. Can you believe Yomani, the son, is thirteen years old?!

I finished paying rent this past week. I also worked some on the upcoming audit and last year's mission history. Neither one is my favorite activity. 

Wednesday I helped Elder Healy and some other senior missionaries with car inspections during zone conference. It was somewhere in the teens so not too bad. We didn't do the usual thorough inspection but just filled wiper fluid and inspected the outside of the vehicles. The missionaries filled out the rest of the report on their own. I'd rather help with the inspections than attend zone conference as I usually don't hear much of what is going on. They hold it in the gym and don't use a mic. Not sure why as I'm not the only senior that can't hear. Anyway, I don't get much from it.

Our steps
All the paved surfaces around here look like they are iced but in reality it is just the de-icer salt that has been smashed into the surface. The picture is of the steps up to our apartment. I guess it will all wash away with the first good rain.

We're sorry to miss the Orem temple dedication today. With its dedication they will soon be remodeling the Provo temple. I'm sad to see them do away with the outside architect. I know it is dated but that is where we were married so it has memories for us. I grew to like the cupcake design and it won't be the same when it looks pretty much like the Ogden temple. Oh, well. Progress.

Therefore, blessed are they who will repent and hearken unto the voice of the Lord their God; for these are they that shall be saved.  Helaman 12:23


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