Week #11

Not many Republicans around here.
All in all it was a pretty slow week. Friday I got only one email which is very unusual and I began to wonder if something was wrong with Outlook. Nope, just a slow day which was nice as it gave me time to prepare for an audit coming up soon. There were 48 checks written last year that there was no paper trail on. I was able to find at least some paperwork on all but three checks. All three were voided checks. The ones I did find showed that we had written the checks but had no paper trail attached to them. The audit will be interesting.I wonder if they'll fire me.😂

I mentioned before that things are all Truman here since it is his birthplace. We were out for a walk and this building has a mural of the famous picture of Truman holding up the newspaper with the headline "Dewey Defeats Truman". It is never over until the fat lady sings. (I'm probably not supposed to use that analogy anymore.😧) Next Monday the senior missionaries will be visiting the Truman Library which I'm told is very interesting. More on that later.

Sparkly headgear for all.
Mom officially takes over her new duties this next Tuesday. Sister Gines will be going home onTuesday. Her daughter is flying out from SLC on Tuesday and starting the drive back with Sister Gines Tuesday afternoon. That will make a long day for her. We had a farewell party for her Friday after work with pulled pork, brisket, cheesy corn, french fires, onion rings, and three kinds of pies. Quite the feast. Cheesy corn is new to me and I figure it must be a regional thing as it seems to show up at every dinner. I like it although the one Friday wasn't as good as previous recipes.

"I Love To See The Temple"
We finally made it to the temple on Saturday. It was a rather small session with about 2/3 filled on the woman's' side and only a dozen or so men. The inside of the temple is a funny layout with not much help to direct you where to go. The temple is about a 20 minute drive from our apartment and we left on a fairly nice day and went home in the rain. I steered clear of the fastest route home as it goes by the Chief's stadium and a playoff game was that afternoon. They won so there is joy in Mudville this weekend. Not sure what kind of state of depression will set in if and when they lose. I'm sure it won't be pretty. I had planned on getting a haircut after getting back but it was too late. Hopefully it'll happen this week.

Mom ends up doing about whatever needs doing. Sister Welbern was usually tasked with that but she has been pretty laid up lately. The less walking she does the better she feels. Mom just about has the supply room spic and span. She's got the refrigerator sparkling and she takes home dishes from our parties that need washed. Thursday she brought home tons of laundry. Our front room looked like a spook alley. 
Tent city.
Tuesday morning I did go get my blood draw done. I need to get a PSA reading every six month for the foreseeable future. The place wasn't very personable as there was no receptionist and the check-in was all by computer and then you waited to be called in. My doctor ought to be happy as the PSA went down from 2.1 to .91. Not sure how much lower it can go. I took a picture of the draw and the nurse was not very happy with me. "No pictures in here!" I repented but                                                            kept the picture. 🙄


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