Week #8 Happy New Year 2023

It has been an interesting ten days weather wise. Thursday a week ago the high was 4 degrees and a low of 5 below and a wind chill factor around 20 below. This Thursday the high was in the 60's. The wind was blowing hard but it wasn't a cold wind. With these up and down temperatures we'll be lucky to escape getting colds. Today we were in the high 50's. We have been told that these large shifts in temperature are common which makes it nice as thc cold doesn't stay around for long. I guess Utah has been getting lots of moisture as Travis says he had a foot of snow in his driveway today and had a hard time getting his car in. The moisture has been prayed for so they shouldn't be complaining.

Travis' 17 year old daughter Katelyn has been sick for over a week and wasn't getting any better. She had been to the emergency room twice. They did some scans and couldn't find anything so attributed it to the flu. She didn't get any better so yesterday they took her to Primary Children's Hospital and the doctor took one look at the previous scans and saw that her appendix had burst and abscesses had formed so she was one sick girl. They have to drain the abscesses before they can take the appendix out so she will be in the hospital for at least a week and then go back later for the surgery. No one can explain why the ER doctors couldn't see the problem. We are just thankful that she is now getting the help she needs.

Me vacuuming the top of 
the water heater. A mess!
Patching holes. I think he's
done it once of twice.

I was thinking perhaps we wouldn't have to go shopping Saturday but mom said we needed to get a few things at Costco and Walmart. Three hundred dollars later we were home. Silly me. We got home just in time as the couple that were to repair the holes in our ceiling were starting to drive away. They repaired all five holes in less than three hours. Not sure how they did that with having to mud, dry and sand but it looks good. We were glad they came on a nice day and while we were here to clean up afterward. We tried to stay out of their way so I hid out in the computer room while mom went to the dollar store and wandered around the apartment complex.She got some pictures of our resident geese.

Thursday I had to make a deposit at the bank and since I passed by the car wash on the way home I decided to stop and give my car a belated Christmas present. It really needed a vacuum. The last time it got washed was before we left Utah. It sure felt nice to have a clean car. I know the car appreciated it as it purred all the way back to the office. I figured as it was a nice day that the car wash would be busy but only one other couple were there and they happened to be another missionary couple. 

Mom's geese.
What with the holidays it has been pretty slow in the office. I was able to get all the files for 2022 refiled in preparation for an audit 😟 and made new hanging files and labels to prepare for 2023. The Church sent an email saying they will start paying for senior missionary internet starting January 1 so I spent over an hour on the phone Saturday calling Xfinity trying to figure out a way to get all the couples' internet under one umbrella so I can pay from the office. It will be a challenge 

Finally a clean car!
especially since not all have the same provider. But this too shall pass and we'll figure out something. For the time being they will just send me a copy of their bill and I will reimburse them. The Church says that should be a "temporary" fix. 😏

Tomorrow should again be a slow day as it is a holiday for most. We've had some office staff down with afflictions. Sis. Welbern has been in and out with back and knee problems for the past couple of weeks and then fell Friday and had to go to the ER. Don't know how long she'll be out. Elder Hegvik was out Friday with some eye problem but I assume he'll be back tomorrow. 

Mom and I talked in church today along with another senior missionary couple, the Allreds. We figured we had seven and a half minutes each. I can burp for that long. We did good as the meeting only went over five minutes. Thursday I have to lead the discussion for our district meeting. It consists of all the senior couples in the mission and is done by Zoom. I usually only listen while I work but it looks as if I'll have to be more engaged this week. 😇 We'll be discussing Elder Pino's talk from last conference. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

I am so ready to study the New Testament this year!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.              John 3:16

The office staff with Pres.and Sis. Ames.
Sis. Welbern, Sis. Hegvik, Bro. Hegvik, Sis. Gines, 
yours truly, Sis. Ethington, mom.


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