Week #16

I'm not in much of a mood to write this evening so this will probably be short and mostly just the highlights of the week with some pictures. Weather today was weird. It never really out and out rained but had a misty fog all day. It made me think of what London must be like. Tonight there is supposed to be rain, strong winds, and thunderstorms. We'll see. Looks as if the weatherman was right about snow in Utah. We've seen some pretty impressive pictures and it looks as if the snow has piled up. Good for Utah! What a nice surprise and visit! Had a surprise visit from Carl Bench and his wife. That was fun. Every time I see him I have to think, "Now is this Carl or Scott?" As they get older it is getting easier to tell. In their younger days I would call them Scarl cause I didn't know who I was talking to. Wednesday, Doyce Stracener and his wife Melissa took us out to lunch. Doyce is one of my old Navy buddies, Uncle Bill (we call him uncle) being the other one...