Week #15

It was a cool week with temperatures mostly in the 30-40 degree range with nights in the teens. One morning the car had thick ice on the windows but I had covered the windshield so it wasn't bad although it took awhile to scraped the driver's side window. We've been pretty lucky with not having to worry about ice on the windshield. 

Lots of money went out of the office this week with rent being mostly paid and a good portion of the utility bills also getting paid. I still have a few rent payments to make this week as they are problem children. Two of them I'm supposed to pay on the portal but there are balances which have already been paid. The portal makes you pay that balance along with the rent. One of the ledgers says we have a $1300 credit (LOL) which is incorrect and will have to get figured out. Another is a place we just opened up and haven't gotten a W-9 from them. The goal is to have all the apartment payments balanced by the time we are released. Probably won't happen.

Sis. Ethington, Hegvik, Kearns, mom,
and me going wild on Valentine's Day
Tuesday was Valentine's day. Elder Hegvik and I bought a couple of dozen roses for the lady crew in the office which was a hit. We got to wear heart tiaras all day. Mom and I were going to go out for dinner that evening but it was cold and we were too tired. So we went out Saturday for lunch instead. We went to Cafe Verona (thanks T and J) and took Sister Ethington with us. It was a nice Italian place right by the office but was a little pricey for us. The food was good as was the company. Right next to the cafe was a mural advertising the Whitney and Gilbert store and I figured that had to be the same ones in church history. Found out that it was and the place has an original wall from the store inside. 

Lunch at Cafe Verona 
We really enjoy being with Sister Ethington as she has such a good attitude and is fun to be around. Her physical disabilities would keep most of us home but she is amazing. 

Tuesday morning a crew of us (mom, too) took the new vehicles out to Liberty to switch out old cars with new ones. We took seven of them. Elder Hedvik got notice that he has another 21 new vehicles waiting to be picked up. He's about on overload and doesn't know where he can safely park all of them. Most likely they'll end up in the stake center parking lot next to the office and hope for the best. Lots of times we've seem cops parked in the lot so maybe that will help. The zone conference in Liberty was in a stake center right next to the temple. 
Gilbert and Whitney store. Lots of
history in this place.

Wednesday was our zone conference. Mom and I stayed until about 2 p.m. and then went back to the office to get some work done. During lunch they showed the K.C. Chiefs victory parade on a big screen in the gym. There were a happy bunch of campers in Kansas City this week. I was reading in bed when the fireworks went off so I knew that they had won. 

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.      John 3:18-19

A few more pictures from this week.
Switching out vehicles

Kansas City temple

Lunch on Saturday

Z.C. lunch with the big screen


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