Week #14

I had an interesting sacrament meeting today. There is a young boy in the branch with autism and the branch president asked me to be in the foyer to direct him as he passes the sacrament as he tends to get off task and distracted during the process. There were a few people coming in late and one lady kind of staggered in. I could only see her back but she was sloppily dressed and one of her sweatpant legs was up over her knee. She went on into the chapel and Bro. Ross, who was also in the foyer, changed seats so he could watch her. A minute later she came back out to the foyer and Bro. Ross got up and escorted her out the door and also out the gate at the front of the church. He said she was high on PCP as he smelled it. I hadn't smelled a thing. I happened to look out door and saw she was coming back in the parking lot so Bro. Ross went back out. The sacrament had started so I stayed with my calling. After the sacrament was over I went back to check things out. The lady was on the ground and Bro. Ross and the lady's grandmother, a good member of the branch, were standing over her. She'd start to get up and Bro. Ross would firmly tell her to get back down on the ground and she would. He had called the police. After a few minutes two police cars arrived and they handcuffed her. A few more minutes went by and the EMT's arrived and loaded her up and took her to the hospital. She had drugs and a pipe on her. After all was calmed down I complimented Bro. Ross on how well he had handled everything. He said "I've been there and done that." Sheltered me has never seen such before. And hopefully never again. The lady's eyes were dilated and bugging out. She was talking crazy with lots of swearing at the two "crackers". Grandmother was as calm as could be. All of this made me feel really sad especially for the grandmother.

Audit time. Don't I look happy?

In other news, we had our financial audit this past Friday and we "done good". All the office staff prayed hard and the auditor pulled the right files and paperwork and missed the ones with problems. 😉 It took about three hours and I kind of enjoyed it and learned some things. Now all I need is the President's signature and then I can send it to SLC. The audit was supposed to take place on Thursday but we had an overnight surprise snow storm with four or so inches. The auditor called and said school had been canceled and he was home with kids plus it was still snowing at his place.

On our way to pick up new vehicles
Brother Hegvik, our vehicle coordinator, was told the mission would be getting 30+ new cars in the next month or so. Our mission is part of a pilot program as the Church is thinking of changing the vehicles over every year instead of after 50,000 miles. Tuesday, eight seniors and two missionaries went to pick up nine new Nissan Rogues. Monday we will take seven of them to a zone conference and switch them out with older vehicles. Elder Hegvik will be busy the next little while. Everyone needs to keep paying their tithing. 😍

The nine new Rogues
I woke up Friday morning about 4:00 am to go to the bathroom. When I flushed the toilet I didn't hear the water so thought it had a problem. When I got up at 5:45 to start the day I upped the thermostat and didn't hear the heater come on. I don't really believe in coincidences so figured out the problem was that I couldn't hear anything. I thought I had water on the right ear (I'm deaf in my left ear) but it didn't clear much the whole time we were getting ready. I got to the office and had the mission nurse take a look and she dug a chunk of wax out of my right ear. I know, TMI, but this is MY journal. Anyway, now I hear as well as can be expected now.

I ordered a diamond painting for Kylie from Amazon back in late December. It was coming from China and was supposed to be here this week but hasn't shown up yet. That gives meaning to the phrase "a slow boat from China". I ordered a couple of more paintings on Friday and they are supposed to get here this week. We'll keep hoping yours eventually shows up, Kylie.

The Moses' have been coming to our branch the last couple of weeks and we had them to dinner after church today. We enjoy their company. Mom says he reminds her of Orlo.

Today was a beautiful day with the high about 65 degrees. Thursday the high is predicted to be 28 degrees with possible snow. 😠

The Chiefs are playing in the Super Bowl right now. I just heard firecrackers so they must have scored.  I hope there isn't any vandalisam after the game is over. I saw where they were already turning cars over in Philadelphia. Really classy people.

And now remember, remember, my brethren, that whosoever perisheth, perisheth unto himself; and whosoever doeth iniquity, doeth it unto himself; for behold, ye are free; ye are permitted to act for yourselves; for behold, God hath given unto you a knowledge and he hath made you free.  Helaman 14:30


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