Week #17

It was a slow week for finances. But that was a good thing as Elder Hegvik was ill Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday which happened to be the busy time of the month for the vehicle coordinator. He has to get driving logs for all the vehicles, receipts for all gas purchases and a report to the Church by the 10th or else all gas cards are blocked and no fuel is bought. Three of us worked steadily for three days and got things pretty well done. Between Sis. Welbern and I we got into the CARS program and figured out what needed done. The hardest part was reading the gas receipts. The missionaries take a picture of the month's receipts and text/email them in. Some can hardly be read even with a magnifying glass. Sis. Skousen, a single sister missionary who helps Elder Hegvik the first few days of the month, did most of that work. Another problem was that many cars had been traded in and switched with new cars so that the gas logs were lost in the shuffle. Thankfully,  Elder Hegvik was pretty much able to finish things up on Friday. Then on Friday he got a call saying 15 new Rogues were waiting to be picked up and seven more would be coming in soon. That can be a logistic nightmare of turning in old cars and assigning out new ones. And that is not mentioning getting enough bodies to pick up the new cars. He also has to worry about licensing and registration. But the big problem is where to park the new vehicles before they are traded out and the old ones come in. Some will just have to sit in the parking lot and hope no tries to rip one off. A crook already damaged one trying to get to the catalytic converter.

I love a clean car
We had a visit this week from some guy wanting a priesthood blessing. He was either crazy or pulling our leg. Turns out he was crazy and comes in every few months for a blessing. He is from Tennessee and comes to Independence for its history. He talked crazy about having dreams/visions and wearing a brick around his neck. When he was leaving he said he was going across the the street to an apartment building where a treasure was buried. Sis. Welbern said he his mentally ill and refuses to stay on this meds. I thought maybe it was all a joke as was wearing this sly smile the whole time. Not sure how he even gets by day to day.

Sunday night/Monday morning we had high winds and rain and by morning the car was a mess. The wind blew dirt and the rain made it stick. I was going to get the car washed Monday but forgot my wallet and washed it on Tuesday as I made a bank deposit. Monday night was FHE and we learned everything and more than I cared to know about earthquakes. It was 8:30 before we got home.

Community of Christ temple from the Temple Lot. On the
left is the Church of Christ (Temple Lot).
The office rugs were cleaned this week also and mom and I had to stay until they were done. We had some long days this week.

Wednesday mom was busy so I went for a lunchtime walk by myself. I walked around what I first thought was the Temple Lot but figured out it was just a lot that looked liked the Temple Lot. They are a block from each other and I had forgotten that there were two empty lots. I took a few pictures.

K.C. skyline from Independence

Mom mentioned the dirty vacuum we took home to clean. Either it was used to vacuum up water or something sticky as the filters were crusty and caked as well as the catch tube. Now it is nice enough that we will trade ours in and keep it. 

There was a baptism in our branch after church today. Dave was rebaptized after being ex'd 50 years ago. I thought he was already a member. Elder Hansen, our area doctor, flew out from Utah to baptize him. He and his wife went home early to be with a daughter who is ill. He does his doctor work remotely from Utah. We have the apartment they were in. As you can see, Dave looks like Santa Claus.

Even Santa is a member!




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