Week #20

As mom mentioned, it was a slow week, and especially so for me. Not much excitement but we did have another guy with mental problems drop in on us. The one previously seemed more like he was joking but this one was a little more scary and intense. He went on about knowing where 500 billion dollars was, some nonsense I didn't understand about empty vaults, and, after 5000 years, the end of Christianity. All I told him was that he ought to have a visit with the police. He was disgruntled and finally left. Mom is going to be a little more discreet about who she lets in the door. It is locked electronically and she can communicate with the person outside with a speaker. She said she thought this guy was a repairman. I am assuming the Church history in this area brings out the crazies.

I had another "what were they thinking" incident on Friday. Sister Ethington got a call from a couple of sister missionaries saying their electricity had been shut off and, sure enough, it was. A notice on their door said it was for nonpayment of the power bill to the tune of almost $600! I was thinking, "Opps, what have I done now?"  I had them send me a picture of the notice and started checking. We opened the home in July 2022 and haven't made any electricity payments because all the bills have been going to the house and not the office. Apparently, each month they received the bill, the missionaries threw it in the trash. I'm sure they even got two or three warnings but they must have ended up in the trash, also. I was embarrassed to call the electric company and pay with a credit card. I asked how long before the power was back on and was told within 24 hours. I was hoping it would be over night so the missionaries would learn a lesson but within five minutes of hanging up I received a text saying it was back on. Darn! Whoever opened up the rental made the first mistake by not ensuring the bills came to the office instead to the rental. But you would think the missionaries would have had enough sense to forward the bills to the office, especially when they got a shutoff notice. Anyway, the bills are now coming to the office. We keep reminding ourselves they are just six years out of Primary. And are out here to learn some life lessons.

I gave the priesthood lesson today in the branch. I never did feel very comfortable with the lesson but I muddled through. There were lots of visitors in the branch and one in particular joined right in on the discussion and that was a big help. Today was also fast meeting in our branch and mom and I had no idea. But it was a nice testimony meeting. If you want to bear your testimony you have to get up early as they usually go right up until time to end. That's a nice problem.

The Draper's "creek"
One of the young men in the branch was hit by a car this week. He had his leg busted in two places and his chin stitched up but was at church to pass the sacrament in a wheelchair. He said he looked both ways and then walked right in front of the car. Serious but not as bad as it could have been.

Kirston sent some video of the creek in their backyard, which isn't a creek right now. They are also sandbagging the bank. The water is not from the melt off but from the authorities letting water out of the reservoir above them in preparation for the melt. As Kirston said, May will be interesting.

I'm still looking forward to some warmer weather.

That's us!

This is the scripture my lesson was based on today:

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 1 Cor. 13:1


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