Week #22


A pretty sight
About the biggest news of the week is the change in weather. It seems just last week that we were bundling up each morning for the cold and now it is springtime weather. As mom mentioned, everything is blooming and making things beautiful. On one of our walks I took a picture of the trees that are blooming in the Community of Christ's temple parking lot.
Sis. Lee and a couple of missionaries

It was nice to see someone from back "home" this week. Jenny's mom was here with 16+ year olds from her stake as they were visiting church sites. I think the Visitor Center was the first stop with there their three bus loads. Glad it was them and not me. Their trip out was a 24 hour bus ride. Mom said I didn't recognize Melissa Bowles but not so. I was looking at my phone and didn't see her. I probably would have walked right by her but when I did look I recognized her. Her dad, Jim, was the first person that greeted me when I walked into Mt. Pleasant Elementary school many years ago and I worked with Wendy, her mom, in special education. I thought I got a picture of us all but ended up with just us and Sister Lee.

Last week at zone conference, the Independence stake president talked to the missionaries. He said something I thought was interesting. He said he is president of the Alpha and Omega stake, the first and the last. It all started here and it will all end here.

Do you think they will clean it?
Mom and I went to Raytown to inspect a missionary apartment. She thought it was pretty good but I thought it was messy. I had to show them how to clean their vacuum cleaner. The filter was especially a mess. We brought home two vacuums that needed cleaning on Thursday that had been turned in. Both were a mess. I wonder if the day will come when we have throw-away vacuum cleaners as the rising generation either doesn't know how or won't take the time to clean them.

I thought there would be a small group to sacrament meeting today. Some of the leaders were out of town including the branch president and his family. But there were lots of visitors and probably more there that I didn't know than those I did. I pick up Yeves each Sunday and this week was the first time he brought his family. They were a cute family. His wife only speaks Creole and after sacrament meeting one of the members was able to communicate with her. I saw them exchanging phone numbers so that was good. We know what it is like to sit in meetings without being able to understand a word. In Estonia we went to two sets of block meetings, one in Russian and one in Estonian - six hours! Not much fun.

We're still getting new vehicles in the mission. Tomorrow I will be in a group that picks up five new Chevrolets. All so far have been Nissans. 

It is amazing how dependent we are on the computers. The church missionary portal was down until late afternoon Friday and I basically couldn't do anything. We couldn't function without them.

I hope you all had a nice Easter week. We spent a lot more time studying about the last week of the Savior's ministry. I am so grateful for a knowledge of the His life and mission and for the plan of salvation that brings peace and comfort to this life of trial. We are blessed.

"He is not here: for he is risen..."   Matthew 28:6


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