Week #24

The Jepperson's and us
My big excitement for the week was a visit from Jon and Nancy Jepperson from St. George. They served with us in the San Francisco/Oakland mission. We had some fun times and lots of good memories to share from our battle with the shredder (we won!) to finding stolen passports, trailers and trucks. Elder Jepperson was the vehicle coordinator and Sister Jepperson helped in the office. They have a couple of sons living in Olathe, Kansas and were out for a visit. I'm so happy they took the time to make the 40 minute drive to visit with us and buy us lunch. Mom and I keep saying the best part of serving a senior mission is the other senior missionaries. 

The Martinez's 
  We had pretty much a full house in sacrament meeting today with Elder Joseph Martinez giving a talk. Sister Martinez is the lady that cleans the office three days a week so Sister Ethington and Sister Kearns from the office also attended. Sister Ethington rode with us. A couple of members in the stake presidency and lots of family and friends were also there to wish him well. Sister Martinez teaches Sunday School and Bro. Martinez teaches Elders Quorum. Quite a crowd stayed for the linger longer. I thought there would be plenty of food but by the time we got to the head of the line it was slim pickings and no pickings at the dessert table. I usually pick up Yeves and family for church but he texted and said they weren't able to make it today.

One at a time
Elder Hegvik was excited to have a guy start to pick up the 30 cars that need to get hauled to the auction. The guy doing it has a tow truck that only carries one car and he brought his mom along to drive one. So it will take a while to get them all taken away. The auction is only about 15 minutes from the office so that is nice. I think mom and I will be helping to drive some next week so the job can get done. There are six new Equinoxes ready to be picked up and we're doing that on Tuesday.

Wednesday after work we had a lady from Humana come and do a well fitness interview with each of us. We had been dreading it but it turned out not to be so bad. She was a nice lady and we passed with flying colors. It was scheduled to take two hours and took less than one.

First try
Thursday I had an appointment to take my car in for an oil change at Firestone. The church has a national account with them so we supposedly got a discount. We'll see when the invoice comes in. While doing that I also got my haircut - it needed it! The lady who cuts my hair is nice. I was talking about my gray hair and she said it wasn't gray but silver - like a silver fox. Ha! I hate to tell her but it is still gray.

I also went grocery shopping while waiting for the car as we were having the six missionaries from our branch over for dinner on Friday. We heard through the grapevine that they are fed lots of spaghetti or roast beef. As mom usually does spaghetti she decided she would do a potato bar instead. It ended up just being the Sisters for dinner as the Elders had some other appointments. I forgot to take pictures. 

While shopping at Walmart on Saturday, mom bought some watercoloring supplies to try her hand at and give her something to do in the evenings. I thought she did great.

He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.   Luke 10:26-27

It's still spring looking outside 
my office window


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