Week #26

Whoa. Where did the 80 degree temperatures go? All last week was in the sixties and seventies and then Saturday and today it hit 90! It is kind of nice to be able to go outside without a jacket on.

Just a bit of the mess
It was a pretty slow week although I seemed to keep busy. Sometimes busy is just shredding previous years financial records. The Church says to keep three previous years plus this year so anything before 2020 I can shred. I started out with six boxes and am down to four. I was going to have it shredded but they wanted a dollar a pound. 

A few of the happenings this week:

Elder Hegvik picked up a car that had been in the shop for seven months. It was a new Nissan that had blown an engine and the dealer had to wait on parts. They figure they spent over $20000 on it. Why they didn't just replace it with a new one we don't know. When Elder Hegvik picked it up the guy told him they hadn't touched anything in the interior. Elder Hegvik thought that was strange but when he got in the car he saw why. It was a mess. Thirty-seven used and partially used water bottles, three giant packs of molded tortilla shells, copies of the Book of Mormon strewn about and pamphlets all around. And all this in a new car. 

Some good missionaries - all in our branch
Sometimes you wonder about missionaries. And just when you start to wonder about them you have an experience that puts your faith in missionaries back on track. We had six over to dinner Saturday night and they were all exceptional missionaries. Plus, they cleaned up all the leftovers from mom's training that I would have been eating for a week. 😊

Mom said it is transfers this week but she meant zone conferences. Last week was transfers and when that takes place there is an activity called Declutter Zion. The missionaries clean their apartments of everything that they don't want/need and bring it to the cave. Mostly it is clothes and it gets to be a big pile. You would think that after a couple of times they would run out of stuff. But no.

Declutter Zion
Senior missionaries then come to the cave and sort it out to be junked or to be given to a charity.

I finished a diamond painting this week and mom completed a tough puzzle.

The quote today is from President Nelson and something I tried to share with the missionaries that came for dinner Saturday. Kind of long, but lots of truth:

"The truth is that you must own your own conversion. No one else can do it for you. Now, may I invite you to consider a few questions? Do you want to feel peace about concerns that presently plague you? Do you want to know Jesus Christ better? Do you want to learn how His divine power can heal your wounds and weaknesses? Do you want to experience the sweet, soothing power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ working in your life? Seeking to answer these questions will require effort—much effort. I plead with you to take charge of your testimony. Work for it. Own it. Care for it. Nurture it so that it will grow. Feed it truth. Don’t pollute it with the false philosophies of unbelieving men and women and then wonder why your testimony is waning." Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults, May 2022 (emphasis mine)

I liked all the colors
This was a hard one

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