Week #29

Working on the shredder 
I jammed
I spent most of the week keeping busy work on things that need done but are not urgent. The Church has us keep financial records for three previous years plus the current year. Old records are kept in the cave and I found records for 2017-2019 that needed shredding. Whenever I am bored with nothing to do, I shred. I started out with six boxes and I am down to the last one. I thought about having someone else do it but the one place I checked wanted a dollar a pound. Too much, so I ended up doing it myself. We have a super-duper shredder but I jammed it this week and had to work on getting it unjammed.

I've included a picture of part of the cave. It is the basement of the stake center next to the office. Lots of junk is stored down there and it can be spooky. Each ward has a locked cage that they need to hire mom to clean up for them. The biggest part of the space is taken up by the mission with about everything that is needed to furnish an apartment. Mom has our part well organized. About the only thing that still needs cleaned up is all the old missionary bikes. The mission still uses a few bikes but not many.

The branch sponsored a nice Memorial Day celebration this past Saturday. It was out in the parking lot and tables were set up to help people get started on Familysearch. Hamburgers and hot dogs were served and the branch president had a muster for all the names submitted for friends or relatives who had died in defending their country, whatever country they might be from. A trumpeter then played Taps. It was all really quite nice and well organized. They plan on doing it each year.

Just a very small part of the cave

The weather has warmed up with a few days of rain scattered in. Our apartment stays cool during the day and we haven't had to run the air conditioner for the past three weeks or so. The ceiling fan runs in whichever room we are in and that keeps things cool. The apartment complex opened up the swimming pool yesterday but I don't guess I'll make use of it.

I had a tender mercy this week - actually it was a small miracle to me. I mentioned last week that I was switching rent payments on some apartments from credit card to bank deposit. Six of the apartments put a verification deposit in the Church account and I had to enter that amount into the apartment portal to complete the process. The Church sent me the deposit amounts but could not tell me which deposit went with which apartment. I spent a day emailing everyone at Church headquarters to see if I could get an answer. No luck. I was told to guess but the only problem with that is you are given three errors and then you are locked out. After that I don't know what happens. So I ended up guessing and, amazingly, I got all six right - each on the very first try. At one time in high school I could have told you the odds of that (6 factorial = 720?). I was tickled and let everyone know it.

Mom finished the puzzle she got for Mothers Day. It was a doozy.  

Wo unto them that call evil good, and good evil, that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!  2 Nephi 15:20   (Way too much of this going on today!

Memorial Day branch activity


I like it!


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