Week #33

An oldie but goodie We are in for an exciting week coming up. Tomorrow is our last staff meeting with the Ames' (and they're bringing donuts!). Each week we read a few pages out of "The Refiner's Fire" by Elder Alvin R. Dyer. We will finish up the last three pages tomorrow. If you want to read a good history of the Church in this area, that is one to read. Elder Dyer served as mission president here. I'm wondering what we will do each week with President and Sister Sommerfeldt. Tomorrow night, President and Sister Ames will come to the seniors' Family Home Evening to say goodby to the seniors. Mom and I have to make a run Monday afternoon to Costco for a cake that is being made for the occasion. Couples are asked to come up with something to do for FHE and this was my contribution - with some encouragement from Sister Ethington and mom. Maybe I'll try to do the same with a welcome night with President and Sister Sommerfeldt. Thursday President Sommerf...