Week #31

President and Sister Ames
Colleen made a surprise visit to Utah this week. She attended staff meeting Monday morning. President and Sister Ames just happened to be going to the airport that morning so she rode with them. She was supposed to take off at 12:30 but an airplane part needed replacing so was delayed. After MANY false starts, the plane finally took off about 1:30 a.m. Poor mom! I don't think she got much sleep that night. Monday night was the staff farewell dinner for President and Sister Ames which I attended but didn't get much enjoyment out of it as I was concerned about mom. At one point we had decided to go to the airport and bring her to the party but as I was leaving to pick her up she called and said she didn't feel good about leaving. So she ended up spending well over 12 hours waiting for her plane. I'll let her give you the details of her week.

I wanted to make sure mom
felt missed
There has been lots of rain this week so my morning walks have been cooler. On Friday, I walked for over an hour and went almost 8000 steps and even had to get the GPS out to show me a shorter route back to the office. It was quite pleasant and I enjoy looking at the old homes.

Thursday and Friday were transfers - President and Sister Ames' last one. The departing missionaries bring in their bedding to be washed and distributed to new arrivals. Since mom wasn't here to do the wash, we distributed it among the office staff. I ended up getting four loads done Thursday night and did two more loads Friday evening. I've got it all stacked up on the couch for mom to refold and pack away in plastic bags. I don't think they would like the results if I did it.

Sorry about the guy's head
Saturday afternoon, The Liberty Community Chorus held their 20th Anniversary Choral Festival Concert in the Community of Christ temple (the unicorn). Nick King, mom's cousin Norma's husband, was in the choir. The concert hall was directly under the spire. Dr. Craig Jessop, former Tabernacle Choir director, directed the choir. I went mostly to see the building but enjoyed the concert more than I expected. There are some really talented people in this world! It was threatening rain when I left for the event and I was inspired to take an umbrella inside with me. It was raining when we got out but it must have really poured during the concert as the street outside the hall was pretty much a lake in the low places. I was glad for the umbrella.

Today I went to church in the stake center by the office. I didn't go to our branch as I didn't want to be asked a dozen times, "Where is Sister Perry?" After Sacrament meeting I was just standing up when, low and behold, Brother and Sister Brown and John Schoell, our tour directors from the Church history tour that we took last year, were standing in front of me. What a tender mercy. It was so good to see and visit with them for a few moments. It was almost a year ago today that we were in Independence on the tour not even dreaming we would be on a mission here now.

John Schoell
 That brought back some good memories.

And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children. 3 Nephi 22:13

The Brown's


Looking up the spire from where I was
sitting at the concert


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