Week #30

Monday I set a new standard in the office. I didn't spend a penny. I've never had a day where there were no bills to pay or a reimbursement to be made. It actually makes for a slow day. I am glad we had staff meeting scheduled as that took up most of the morning. I made up for not spending any money during the rest of the week. 

Mighty Missouri at sunset
Mom told you we've started walking in the mornings as soon as we get to the office. We wear our walking shoes to work and change when we return. As there are lots of trees it is fairly easy to find a street that is shaded. Even with that, I'm hot when we get back and I spend the first few minutes in front of the fan. There are lots of ups and downs with a number of stately old homes in the area. Quite a few of them have plaques inbedded in the sidewalk telling a little history of the home. Many are very nice but I wouldn't like to be in charge of the upkeep.

Monday evening, some of the senior missionaries got together and did a river walk alongside the Missouri river. The trees were so thick that it was hard to see the river most of the time. People were fishing along the bank but I'm not sure I'd want to eat the fish as the Missouri is a sludgy brown color and not real swift. It also looked shallow to me although this is the time of year when it should be swift and full. We were glad to be in the trees as it was pretty warm and muggy. I kept thinking of those who probably walked the same area we were in. Signs along the way spoke of Lewis and Clark and of course many early Saints walked along the river including the Prophet Joseph Smith. So much history in this area!

Wade and family. Someone looks like his dad.
We did enjoy our visit from Wade and family. The came in a motorhome and pulled their car behind. The kids actually appeared to be interested in our missionary stories. 

Elder Hegvik has a hundred or so old license plates that need to be cut in pieces with some tin snips. That is one of the tasks I took on to fill time. I got about a dozen done before I developed a blister on my middle finger. Next time I will find some gloves before tackling the job.

It wasn't worth the blister.
Ivy covering the tree truck.

That's about it for this week. Not much went on except routine - which is good.

Behold, I say unto you, wickedness never was happiness

Alma 41:10

Some old missionaries


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