Week #37

Senior missionaries at the game
It looks as if things are going to warm up around here. Last week the temperatures seemed to moderate but I looked at the forecast this morning and the week coming up has high temperatures in the 100's with a high of 105 degrees next Sunday. I guess it is called summer. We are thankful for AC and that we don't have to work out in the heat.

We did enjoy the Royals baseball game Tuesday evening. There was some rain pregame but none during the game. It was Dollar Dog Nite which we took advantage of and we each got a free Royals tee shirt to boot. Talk about a cheap date. The Royals tried their best to lose the game. They got behind in the first inning on a two run homer but led most of the game even though the same guy also hit a three run homer. The Royals led by five going into the top of the ninth but gave up four runs and ended up winning 11-10 with the tying runner on base. So it was a fun game with lots of scoring. The missionaries singing the national anthem was a bust as we couldn't see them as they were on the warning track up against the fence. We did see them on the scoreboard.

....after (some)
Before (some)....
Our poor little washing machine got a workout this week. Mom must have done 40 loads and would have done more except for a couple of other sisters taking some to their place. It makes me wonder what the neighbors must be thinking when they see us hauling bags and bags of stuff into our apartment and putting all the done laundry back into the car. We dropped most of the done bedding back at the cave on Saturday as I don't think there would have been room to haul it all back tomorrow.
Pretty good for a beginner

Mom finished the puzzle Shane and Marcene gave her. I thought she should glue and save it as it was a lot of work. But, no, she broke it up. She is also trying her hand at water colors and I think they look good. She is so multi-talented.

Saturday we went to the farmers' market in Liberty. They were not shy about the prices they charge and we were disappointed in the produce. The corn was tough and the watermelon and cantaloupe not too good. We did enjoy the tomatoes.
1776 is mom - Sis. Moses next to her.

Tomorrow we will be half way through our mission. Time is really moving. Once we get through this hot spell and then into fall it will go even faster with the holidays coming on. 

Have a nice Pioneer Day. It looks as if Travis, Kirston, and Jana and some of their families made it down; some just for the derby on Saturday. I'm not sure why they held everything on Saturday and not tomorrow.
Maybe we'll be there next year. 😃

All done
Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.  Acts 3:6


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