Week #42

It was the hottest week of the year. Each time I stepped outside I was reminded of Fiji. The heat and humidity just hits you in the face. Even the smell is the same. The air is heavy and leaves a dirty film on the car. At least it wasn't like Fiji in that I didn't have to do any heavy work outside. And I still tried to get some short walks in. Hopefully, the really hot and humid days are over. President Wong I pictured our spider traps last week. The complex sprayed our apartment this week for pests and the next day I killed a spider and mom had one crawling up her arm. Saturday we bought four more spider traps to put out. 😁 The one in our closet got three of them. Elder Wong was fun to have for our mission tour. He had quite a few learning activities in with his teaching so that kept the missionaries engaged. Mom and I had prepared the new MSF cards for distribution after each of the three zone conferences and that went well. The next pay period for missionaries is this week ...