Week #42

It was the hottest week of the year. Each time I stepped outside I was reminded of Fiji. The heat and humidity just hits you in the face. Even the smell is the same. The air is heavy and leaves a dirty film on the car. At least it wasn't like Fiji in that I didn't have to do any heavy work outside. And I still tried to get some short walks in. Hopefully, the really hot and humid days are over.

President Wong
I pictured our spider traps last week. The complex sprayed our apartment this week for pests and the next day I killed a spider and mom had one crawling up her arm. Saturday we bought four more spider traps to put out. 😁 The one in our closet got three of them.

Elder Wong was fun to have for our mission tour. He had quite a few learning activities in with his teaching so that kept the missionaries engaged. Mom and I had prepared the new MSF cards for distribution after each of the three zone conferences and that went well. The next pay period for missionaries is this week and I don't know if the money is going on the old or new card. I'm hoping the new card.

Sisters Asper and Clark. Elders Lund, Kambaya
and Marble. And two more people.
We had our branch missionaries over for dinner Saturday evening. They surely are good missionaries and bring a wonderful spirit into our apartment. The Elders are in a threesome until transfers later this week. I think they really liked the haystacks. 

The geese are starting to return. I've seen a group of them at both the mission office and at our apartment complex. Don't know if they are just flying through or if they are here to stay. You'd think with winter coming on they would be just passing by.

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.  1 Cor. 2:14

Pres. Sommerfeldt and Pres. McKee (stake pres.) 
engaged in an activity with Pres. Wong
instructing. He was fun.

They're back


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