Week #41

We had Elder and Sister Healy and Sister Ethington over for dinner after church and by the time we got done talking it was getting late so our letters are a little late today. It's also a good excuse to shorten it up. It was fun talking to the Healy's and exchanging missionary experiences. They have been on multiple missions, also. They arrived here yesterday and, of course, I forgot to get a picture.

It was cool enough each morning so that we could go for a walk each day. Things have definitely taken a turn. All next week the temperatures are forecasted to be in the 100's with the lows in the high 70's so things won't even cool off at night. The heat index for today is 113 so we haven't been spending time outside at all. It is supposed to be back to cooler temperatures next weekend.

Elder Marble, Jimmy and Elder Kambaya
Our mission tour with President and Sister Wong is this week. We received the new missionary credit cards in the mail Friday and got one for each missionary. Hopefully, we will be able to distribute them at the zone conferences this week as that will be the ideal time to do so. President Wong has said that he doesn't want the missionaries hanging around after the meeting so we will see. I'm sure this change-over will be a learning process.

Elder Connell
Jimmy was baptized after church today. I'd give you his correct name but it is pretty unpronounceable. as it is Swahili. There was a nice spirit at the baptism. We sang "Joy to the World" at the end of the meeting and, surprisingly, it fit the occasion.The missionaries are doing a good work in the branch.

Friday we took Elder Connell to the airport as he was ending his mission. President and Sister Sommerfeldt had other commitments. He was a good Elder but excited to be going home - Kamas, Washington. 

Goodbye (soon) to the Hegvik's
We had the Hegvik's goodbye dinner Friday after work. Their granddaughter spent the week with them so she was with us. We had take out Chinese food which wasn't all that great and had tons left over. Sister Sommerfeldt took most of it home to feed missionaries coming and going from their home. From now on, we have decided to not make such a big deal out of office workers' departures and have just a lunch. I gave Elder Hegvik a diamond painting of a pheasant as a present. He hunts them.

House of the Lord
I have to confess I kind of forgot about our anniversary today. I'd thought about it before but it had slipped my mind lately. We did make it to the temple yesterday which we can call a date for our anniversary, and it fell on a Sunday so there wasn't much we could do. I about froze all through the session. I was seated directly under a vent and could feel a breeze throughout the session. Otherwise, it was a nice. Can't believe it has been 48 years. I guess I'd better not forget when number 50 rolls around soon. Maybe we had better start planning something now.

Our apartment keeps us comfortable even with the extreme temperatures but it does have bugs surface now and again. Mom put out some spider traps and we've caught a couple. Outside, the cicadas have surfaced and they sure make a racket in the evenings. 

Mr. (or Ms) Cicada

Mom's favorite 😉
For I the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance; Nevertheless, he that repents and does the commandments of the Lord shall be forgiven...  D&C 1:31-32


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