Week #40

It was worse in real time
All in all, it was a pretty slow week. I began the rent and will finish up this coming week. It seems there is always something going on that puts us in a hole. This week we had to pay a $75 late fee because transfers were near the end of the month and we were charged $100 fee for two background checks on new missionaries moving in. Then the calendar month turned and we hadn't paid the $100, so the late fee. We called but all they said was "sorry." They get you one way or the other.

Mom told you about the downpour on the way home from church today. I am so thankful we were off the freeway when it hit - about 2 minutes. At least on the city streets everyone slowed down. If we had been on the freeway there would have been some cars slowing down and some continuing on at 70 mph running up our rear end.  I was also grateful for the tail lights of the car in front of us. There was ankle deep water on the walk from the car to our apartment. And now the sun is shining and it is dried up.

Sweet Sisters
We had a nice group to Priesthood meeting. Elder Dunham (senior missionary) did a fine job with President Nelson's conference talk on being peacemakers. It really is a diverse group and usually includes a handful of friends invited by the missionaries. I've included a picture of the 90 year old sister who taught Relief Society in French and the sister (returned missionary) who translated into English
and Swahili.

I went to get a haircut at Fantastic Sams on Thursday and the lady said it would be a two and a half hour wait for a ten minute haircut.  I said "no thanks" and went to Great Clips and walked right in and sat down. I'm not yet used to paying $18 for a haircut when I got them for free at home. 😀

I can tell it was a slow week as I didn't take even one picture until today. I'll have to be more observant this week. The mission is getting geared up for President Wong's mission tour coming up August 23-26. Mom is getting rooms reserved in the stake centers for zone conferences and also making sure the AV equipment is available.

Elder Hegvik was finally convinced to swap out his old computer. He did it kicking and screaming but I think he has decided it wasn't too bad. The Hegvik's replacements, the Healy's, arrive a week from tomorrow. We'll be having a dinner for the Hegvik's this Friday.

I got a notice from the Church that Bank of America is dropping the missionary debit card payment and the missionaries will all be getting new MSF cards within the next couple of weeks. Of course, that will all transition smoothly. 😟 The new bank is out of Shanghai, China, which I find interesting. We are definitely getting diverse.

But behold, the bands of death shall be broken, and the Son reigneth, and hath power over the dead; therefore, he bringeth to pass the resurrection of the dead.   Mosiah 15:20

Us at the 8 Witnesses Monument 
a couple of weeks ago.


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