Week #43

Sisters chained bracelets
Toy making booth
Friday through tomorrow are SantaCaliGon in Independence. If it looks like a mouthful, it is. I just call it CalGone. It celebrates Independence being the starting point of the pioneers on their westward treks on the Santa Fe, California, and Oregon trails. Thus, Independence is known as the Three Trails City. Mom and I took some time Friday afternoon to walk through the exhibits. About half of them were selling some sort of food or drink and the rest were selling wares. The Elders and Sisters in the Independence zone were asked to man a couple of Pioneer stations which were off the beaten track. I don't think much missionary work got done. It was hot so mom and I didn't spend too much time wandering around.

Our new vehicles
Tuesday I helped pick up new vehicles from the Chevrolet dealer. The mission received three new Equinoxes and a new Chevy Silverado. Elder Hegvik is still training Elder Healy and plans on being in the office for the first few days of next week as mileage logs are due in and they are a chore. There is a new app that missionaries are able to use to report mileage and receipts but it still has bugs and won't be of much use this month.

The new MFS cards have been activated and any new money will be placed on them. The last pay period ended up going on the old BOA cards so the new cards don't have money on them as yet. I've already had an Elder call and say he has lost his new card. What!? 😧

Laundry day

With departures this week, it was laundry week for us. The dryer doesn't get the comforters and heavy blankets completely dry so mom drapes them overnight ALL throughout the apartment. The picture shows the living room but things are also drying in both bedrooms and the dining room. I wonder if the washer and dryer will make it until we go home.

...cast about your eyes and begin to believe in the Son of God, that he will come to redeem his people, and that he shall suffer and die to atone for their sins; and that he shall rise again from the dead, which shall bring to pass the resurrection, that all men shall stand before him, to be judged at the last and judgment day, according to their works.  Alma 33:22

Elder/Sister Wong, Pres./Sister Sommerfeldt
and office staff. New missionaries Elder/
Sister Healy on the left.


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