Week #45

We'll miss them

As mom said, there was not much going on this week besides the basics. Monday was Elder and Sister Hegvik's last day in the mission. Their replacements, the Healy's, are trying to learn their duties. Elder Healy has spent some long days, some going into the evenings, at the office. He was even in the office on Saturday and Sunday. Kind of reminds me of what I went through when we first arrived except Elder Healy has had video conferences with SLC to orient him. I was pretty much on my own. The new truck we picked up last week turned out not to be for the mission but was supposed to go to the FM group. Elder Healy had almost turned in the old truck for sale so we're lucky to still have a truck. The dealer just assumed it was ours as did we.

We had another interesting experience in church today. Just before I got up to talk we had an intermediate hymn. I noticed this lady in the overflow standing up and doing the holy roller thing while singing. I thought, "Oh, well. welcome to the Riverview branch." But then she started wailing and sobbing which was when Sister Bradford escorted her out and Elder Bradford ended up taking her and a companion home. He said she was on drugs and kept saying this church wasn't for her. Elder Bradford assured her she was right. She was looking for the Pentecostal experience. There is hardly ever a dull week in the branch but it is still a very loving and accepting branch. You just need to go with the flow. I keep saying President Maloney is the perfect man for the job, and he is.

As I said, "Nice try."
We were able to walk each morning last week and if the forecast holds out we are good to walk for the next ten days with the highs in the 70's and lows in the 50's. There is a good chance of rain tomorrow but that is it. On our walk this week, I took a picture of the sign on the Temple Lot which we walk around each day. It says the Prophet Joseph Smith was the founder of "The Church of Christ." Nice try. It was The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I spoke today on the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. One of the wards in the stake is holding a celebration on September 23 commemorating the 200th anniversary of the angel Moroni appearing to Joseph which actually happened on the night of July 21-22, 1823. The Church will have lots of 200 year milestones in the next while. I hope I'm still around for the Church's 200 anniversary. And by the way, happy 99th birthday to President Nelson yesterday. It's hard to believe he's been alive for almost half of the Church's existence. 

We switched out personal internet accounts for all the senior couples and put them under a church account. It went really well with only a few problems. Each apartment was shipped a Version Cube and it was super easy to install. Just plug it in and connect in settings. Wireless. Now I won't have to reimburse senior's for their internet payments.

We're still in the process of missionaries changing their MSF cards from BOA to HSBC. We haven't closed the BOA cards yet. The missionaries will get their MSF money this week on their new card so we'll see how that goes.

I pay rent this week so wish me luck. 😁

We're looking into scheduling a ride.
Thus we see how quick the children of men do forget the Lord their God, yea, how quick to do iniquity, and to be led away by the evil one.   Alma 46:8 


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