Week #47

Beautiful grounds
It has been a good week. I was able to finish up paying rents except for one. I'm having to pay more rents not using checks and it makes things harder. It is a multi-step process and I have to remember more which is a chore on this old brain. The positive side of it is that we don't have to pay the +$30 service fee and we aren't getting any more late fees on rent.

Monday I took the car in to get a new battery and decided to get a couple of new tires. One was bad, one was sort of bad, one was OK and another was good. I had to make another appointment for Wednesday to get the bad and sort of bad ones replaced. I almost decided to wait until just before we left for home to do so but decided with winter coming I had better get it done. Then I thought I'd wait until just before winter hits to get them changed but remembered we would be taking a day trip with Karen and Bud to the church sites on Saturday and rain was in the forecast so got them changed this week.

Even the restrooms are beautiful
We had a nice visit with Karen and Bud this weekend. I was watching the flight status on Friday and they were to be 15 minutes late. I didn't know how that was possible as they took off 5 minutes early but thought "oh, well". The next time I looked for an update it said "landed." So we headed quickly out the door. The drive to the airport takes about 35 minutes so Bud and Karen had about a 15 minute wait for us. On the way back to Independence we stopped at the temple, the Eight Witnesses Monument, and Liberty Jail. We also stopped for about five minutes to say hi to cousin Norma King. 

Downtown Liberty was busy with a festival of some sort. It ended up that three or four of the towns we visited this weekend had a festival going which made for more traffic and people.  B and K really enjoyed seeing the Liberty Jail. Our guide was one of the senior missionaries and really brought the spirit to our visit. It certainly is a sacred place where some of my favorites sections of the D & C were received. When we got back to Independence we took them to see the office. 

Tower Hill - my favorite view
Saturday morning we were out the door about 8 am. Our first stop was Far West, then Haun's Mill and a visit to Breckenridge where the mill wheel is, and then on to Adam ondi Ahman. While there, we went to Spring Hill and Tower Hill which mom and I had not seen before. That became my favorite place. It was so peaceful and beautiful on Tower Hill. I took a picture overlooking Tower Hill but the picture doesn't do the place justice.

Off and on the whole day it rained. We were lucky at each stop at a church site as it was in between rain storms. Bud wanted to visit an Amish store so we stopped in Jamesport to visit one place. It was a major disappointment as it was basically just a grocery store. While there, the heavens opened and it poured. We had umbrellas but the water was over the top of my shoes so my feet got soaked. 

A visit to the office

On the way home, we went through Hamilton but didn't visit as they were having a festival and it was raining. We did stop at a Mexican restaurant for lunch and it was very good. I had a Tamale Californian and told the others I should have got a Tamale Rhode Island as it was way too much. I had leftovers today and still didn't finish it.

When we got back to Independence we were in time to visit the symposium commemorating the 200th anniversary of Moroni's visit to Joseph Smith. It has been raining most of the day and I guess they must have cancelled the event as no one was around. That was just as well as I was tired.

As B and K had to be at the airport about noon today, we didn't go to our branch again this week. We went to the Hill Top ward where an Elder was leaving on a mission. He is Tongan and was called to either Tonga or Samoa. It was an excellent meeting and the Elder is well prepared and will do great.

We got our visitors to the airport in plenty of time and they got off on time.We enjoyed their visit even though it was a quick one.

And now remember, remember, my brethren, that whosoever perisheth, perisheth unto himself; and whosoever doeth iniquity, doeth it unto himself; for behold, ye are free; ye are permitted to act for yourselves; for behold, God hath given unto you a knowledge and he hath made you free.           Helaman 14:30


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