Week #55

A beautiful day
I just read mom's letter and it doesn't leave much for me to say. I did get rent submitted this week which makes me nervous each time I have to hit the "enter" key. There are 15 payments that I still have to go into the apartment portal and charge the rent to the church account but that just needs to be done before the end of the month. 

Saturday was busy for the first half of the day. We were to the grocery store before 7:00 a.m. so that we could get to the stake center to get our work there done before 10:00. We had previously prepared 23 bags with all the bedding for the new missionaries. Saturday, we had to take them from the cave to just inside a side door at the stake center and line them all up alphabetically in the hallway. We also put a 72 hour kit and a "Light the World" tee shirt for each with the bags. We had a temple appointment after that. I guess everything went well as we haven't heard any complaints. I forgot to get a picture of all the bags lined up in the hallway.

40 turkeys take up a lot of room

I can't believe Thanksgiving is this week. This is usually my favorite holiday as it is relaxing with just a family dinner and football games. The senior missionaries will be having a dinner Thursday afternoon and that is about it for this year. The weather looks to turn cold near the end of the week with the temperatures at night in the 20"s. It is raining right now but it's not too cold.

The Bishop's storehouse gave us 40 turkeys that we had to find freezer space for. Sister Hunsaker happened to have a freezer in her basement or we would have had to scramble to find freezer space. The missionaries will be cooking their own meal so that should be interesting.

At the 1927 Courthouse
I enjoyed the presentation at the 1847 Log Courthouse on Friday. The lady who gave the presentation is a member and was dressed in period clothing. The Courthouse was used as a home by the Sidney Gilbert family. He and Newel Whitney owned a store in Independence. The place was later used by Judge Harry Truman as a courthouse while another courthouse was being remodeled. 

Our presenter wasn't too happy that Bess Truman had the walls painted white. The paint is slowly coming off to show the black walnut wood.

Alisa sent us a video of Brynlee's climbing competition. She was doing stuff I couldn't do even when I was younger. She got second in her skill group while a 20 year old got first. 

Good job, Brynlee!
For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I work not among the children of men save it be according to their faith. 

 2 Nephi 27:23


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