Week #57

Picture from this summer
It was pretty much a rainy and cold week. I did get a walk in on a couple of days - mom found excuses not to go. I don't mind the cold too much but when it combines with wind that is too much even for me. One day I took an umbrella but happened to go between showers.

Dining room
The Bingham-Wagner Museum is a couple of blocks from the office. Mom and I visited the grounds this past summer. The senior missionaries scheduled an outing to visit there during the Christmas holidays as the place is decorated with over 50 Christmas trees. The group is going on a Friday afternoon and as the office will be opened, mom and I decided to go this Friday and let the other office workers go on the scheduled Friday. The place is amazing with over 90% of the furnishings being original. There was too much to see in the hour tour. It was built somewhere around 1870 and added on to around 1900. The place is jammed with all kids of knick-knacks - I'd hate to dust the place. Mom and I enjoyed a personalized tour as no was else was waiting. The docent was very informative and had been doing such for 23 years. He was very proud of the home. He and another guide were also very complimentary of our missionaries which I am always glad to hear.
Model of museum - all legos

We picked up three new Volkswagen Tiguans this week. Picking up new vehicles will be an ongoing process now that all vehicles will be rotated every year. It makes the vehicle coordinators job a bit more difficult. I'm grateful to be in the finance seat, thank you.

Mom and I sent our kids some money for Christmas this year and asked them to take their kids to the Giving Machines and 

Shane/Marcene kids minus
 let their kids buy something out of the machine for those less fortunate. Their gift to us will be a picture of their kids at the Giving Machine. Shane and Marcene's family went this week. From Marcene's text: "Megan got chickens. Emma got an art class. Megan got a stem class. And we also got chickens."  I think Sean got one of those Megan things. I hope the rest of the family has a chance to go.

We have a busy couple of weeks ahead with holiday activities. We are thankful that the next transfer doesn't happen until the first week in January. We'll try not to get so involved that we forget why we are celebrating.  

 But wo, wo unto him who knoweth that he rebelleth against God! For salvation cometh to none such except it be through repentance and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.   Mosiah 3:12


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