Week #59

Welcome home, Brelynn!
I had a pretty busy week doing odds and ends. I am able to use some of my time helping with other things in the office. We picked up 5 more Volkswagens and Elder Healy got those out to missionaries. I was also able to help Colleen with the Christmas packages. Elder Healy is somewhat disappointed in how lackadaisical some of the missionaries are in taking care of basically a brand new car. Some of the cars being sold have just over 20,000 miles on them. I don't think they realize how fortunate they are to drive a new car. I've only had one new car my whole life and that was my first car and probably not the best investment.

I got the rent for January submitted on Wednesday. I am still nervous each time before hitting the enter key. I only have four more times of submitting rent payments. It seems that each time a lease rental is renewed, the rent goes up.

Only a part of the packages

Granddaughter Brelynn got home from her mission this week. We are proud of her and she did a great job of reporting her mission in sacrament meeting today. Mom and I were able to get home from our meetings in time to view her on Zoom. We were asked to give a ride to church to a member who is temporarily living about 25 minutes south of us so we had to plan things out. We also picked up our regular rider, Doug. The Riverview branch really does have a wonderful, welcoming spirit .

Merry Christmas!
Mom told you about the Christmas packages. Even though there are tons, there are still quite a few missionaries that haven't gotten a package. They will be handed out at zone conferences this week. We'll decided tomorrow how to handle those that haven't gotten anything.

Mom and I made a trip to Costco this week. You can't walk in and breathe the air without spending $100. We made it to $180. I saw that gas was $2.35 there. We bought it for $2.45 at our usual place.

We got some small Christmas stockings stuffed with candy from a former senior missionary. They are cute.

Have a good Christmas week. We'll be thinking of you along with all our blessings.

Now the Spirit knoweth all things; nevertheless the Son of God suffereth according to the flesh that he might take upon him the sins of his people, that he might blot out their transgressions according to the power of his deliverance; and now behold, this is the testimony which is in me.  Alma 7:13


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