Week #62

Tade and Savannah
Nothing too exciting this week except a visit with Tade and Savannah. Mom and I both had colds so we kind of dragged all week. Yesterday I felt pretty good but today, not so good. I'm past the sore throat stage and into the coughing and achy stage. Friday, I had the hiccups all day and they quit just before bed time. I then woke up at midnight hiccuping again. I've never done that before. I got up and took a spoonful of sugar and they quit. That used to be my remedy when I was young and it still works.

With the miracle of GPS we were able to meet up with Tade and Savannah (Mesha/Aaron's son and his wife). We got to the restaurant about five minutes or so before them. We had a nice lunch with them and wish them luck on their move to Virginia and their new adventure. Hope they don't hit too much bad weather. We forgot to take a picture so a selfie of them will have to do.

Kouznetsov's at the mansion
Speaking of bad weather, we are under an alert for a severe storm advisory for Monday night and Tuesday with up five inches of snow and winds as high as 45 mph. Not too bad except for the wind. It sounds like a good night to stay in. I'm glad we got the missionary transfers/departures/arrivals done this past week. Ten missionaries left the mission (one a visa waiter) and nine arrived so that was pretty much a wash.

The annual audit is coming up soon. It needs to be done by the end of February. I've already started to prepare and have found a couple of things I was supposed to be doing but wasn't. 😬 Overall, I think things are in pretty good shape.

I was surprised by the lack of fireworks on New Year's Eve. I went to bed about 11:00 and woke up at 12:15 with a few fireworks going off in the distance. Nothing that kept me awake. We slept in until 8:30 which was nice and, may I add, well deserved. 

Sorry, not much in pictures this week.

Preach unto them repentance, and faith on the Lord
Jesus Christ; teach them to humble themselves and to be 
meek and lowly in heart; teach them to withstand every temptation of the devil, with their faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.   Alma 37:33


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