Week #63

Monday morning
 One of these days I will write my letter first and then mom will have to figure out what to say after I've already written.

We have been getting weather here. Monday we ended up with 5 or 6 inches on the car with heavy wet snow. It took awhile to get it all off and ready to get to the office. Wednesday, it was getting Sister Hunsaker to the airport at 4:30 in the morning. She was heading back to Idaho to attend her older brother's funeral. The worst part of getting her to the airport was that I had to drive in the dark. I was glad to get back to our apartment and we didn't hurry to get to the office that morning. Thursday, we left the office about 1:30 to pick her up. The forecast was for snow but it wasn't too bad. The roads were only a problem around the airport itself. I keep thinking that we are done with trips to the airport but something seems to always come up. It takes about 30 for us to get there.
I was glad that the baptism was called off. Three were supposed to get baptised but two were sick and one was in an auto accident. We didn't want to go as it was too dang cold. Later on Saturday afternoon, we received a message from the stake saying all sacrament meetings were suggested to be canceled. I woke up Sunday morning not feeling well so was glad church had been canceled. Sunday was also the day that newspapers were saying to stay at home if possible. I can't believe that
Sunday morning

anyone would want to attend the Chiefs' game at 7:00 Saturday night. Apparently, it was the fourth coldest NFL game on record. Crazy people.
This morning the low hit -11 degrees plus a wind chill. I just got back in from starting up the car and letting it warm up awhile.
We also spent a few minutes today messaging with Elder Kashapov from our Russian mission. He and his family are living in Ireland for the time being. He works for Merc. He ranks up there as one of the best missionaries we have worked with.

And he hath power given unto him from the Father to redeem them from their sins because of repentance; therefore he hath 
sent his angels to declare the tidings of the conditions of repentance, which bringeth unto the power of the Redeemer, unto the salvation of their souls.  Helaman 5:11


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