Week #67

All better
The BIG game day for the Chiefs! Last week as I was finishing up writing I heard the fireworks start up so knew the Chiefs had won. We'll see if it gets noisy latter on this evening. We passed a stand on the way home from Church that was selling "Super Bowl Champs" shirts already. That can either be confidence are a lot of wasted money.

Tuesday I had the stitches taken off my face. The nurse said there were 14 external stitches plus who knows how many on the inside which will dissolve in time. I asked her how big a chunk the doctor had taken out and she said about a nickel size. The long cut had to be made as they couldn't sew up a circle. I guess that makes sense. But still, it was long. I'm pretty much back to my handsome self. And no, it was not cosmetic surgery as my "good friend" suggested. The doctor said that none such was needed and all the nurses agreed. 😁

pillow boxes
Sister Hunsaker ordered 40 pillows from Walmart for new missionaries. They were packed two to a box so we ended up with 20 big boxes in our entry. After I cut them up they fit much better in the dumpster. So much for recycling. We do go through a lot of cardboard.
Sis. Jackson (L) and Sis.Kilmore

We did enjoy the temple yesterday. Sister Jackson, who was sealed to her deceased husband, is a sweetheart. She is so nice and appreciative of her new family of church members. And you have to admire Sister Kilmore, and many others, who are so faithful even though they don't understand much of what is being said each Sunday. We ended up taking Sister Kilmore home and she gave us her address to put into Maps. Turns out she lives in the Gabriel Towers and I knew how to get there all along.

Mom said I needed to take a picture of the project the squirrels are making just outside our apartment. They take the nuts they have found and eat them on the brick ledge and then leave the shells neatly lined up on the ledge. But squirrels are a hazard. Headlights on a missionary vehicle were not working. Turns out a rodent, most likely a squirrel, had chewed through the wiring to the tune of $1200. They may be cute but they are still a nuisance. 


The weather is trying to fool us into thinking that spring is here and no more winter. We have been getting in our noon walk each day. One day was extremely windy and a big pile of leaves blew all over us. I see where we have a chance of snow near the end of this week. but it is supposed to be a quick storm.

For the eternal purposes of the Lord shall roll on, until all his promises shall be fulfilled.  Mormon 8:22


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