Week #68

Mom stole most of my thunder so it will be mostly pictures today. (Another way of saying I'm being lazy)

Osborn was baptized today. He lives directly across from the chapel and has been attending once in a while for the last two years or so. He told the branch president when he first came that he wanted to attend but "don't bother me with the missionaries."  He can barely walk so it took two to baptize him and they did a great job.

Darren was also baptized today. I don't know much of his story but from what I understand he was in a foster home of a member family from birth to three years old and then taken by another family (foster?). A few years ago he reconnected with his first foster family and came back to live with them. He then asked if they would adopt him which they did. The whole family was thrilled.  A few weeks ago he told them he was getting baptized and quite a few family members showed up today. His mom gave a touching testimony at the meeting.

For staff meeting Monday, Elder Healy, President Sommerfeldt and I went together and bought a small vase of roses for each of the office Sisters and Sister Sommerfeldt. It was difficult doing without them finding out but we did well. We were shorted one vase so I had to run back and get another one before meeting started. I think they were pleased.

Here we all are gathered around before our three hour 😒 staff meeting. The Assistants to the President are in the background. Sister Welbern, to the right, is taking Sister Kearns' place for a few weeks while Sister Kearns awaits surgery. She will be here until she trains a replacement Sister when she arrives sometime the first week in March.

President and Sister Sommerfeldt celebrated the big game. Fireworks went on until about midnight and then I had a hard time getting to sleep. I got about three hours sleep that night and was pretty well beat come Monday night and then slept hard. The Sommerfeldt's went to the parade but didn't stay for the festivities afterward and were home before the shootings took place. We were glad to hear they were safe.

Monday night was senior FHE which I pat myself on the back for attending as I was tired. When putting away the tables afterward the YSA ward was in the gym doing a Bob Ross paint-along. Mom walked among them and said they were "interesting."

Saturday morning of the arrival of new missionaries, mom and I have to get their bedding and first aid kit to the stake center before 10:00. We pick them up from the cave in the basement of the stake center. Mom had already assembled the bedding so we stuffed them in the back of the car and drove around to the other side of the building to unload them. We also unloaded most of the bedding that mom had washed the previous couple of evenings.

And wo be unto him that will not hearken unto the words of Jesus, and also to them whom he hath chosen and sent among them; for whoso receiveth not the words of Jesus and the words of those whom he hath sent receiveth not him; and therefore he will not receive them at the last day...   3Nephi 28:34


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