Week #69

 I liked the format for this blog that I used last week so I will keep doing it. Just a reminder that this is actually my "journal" and not just for communicating with family and friends. And that tells you how good a journal keeper I am. Mom has done a daily journal entry for years so when I'm asked where my journal is I can point to her...can't I?  😟

Audit form

So nice to have audit done!
Tuesday was the day for the annual mission audit. Bro. Ransom from the stake conducted the audit again this year. He's a nice guy and there really wasn't much to worry about. We again passed with flying colors. 

There was another bad auto crash again this week. It was entirely preventable. The Elders were going 70 mph on a dirt road, hit a bump, went airborne, and came down on the nose of the car, then flipped and came down on the tires. It was basically a brand new car and it was totaled. Needless to say, those Elders won't be driving again on their mission. The driver was one that had a small crash doing doughnuts in a church parking lot a few weeks ago. Some never learn! I guess you have to expect this once in a while from 18 year olds but still... Of course the airbags deployed but the missionaries were blessed to walk away with no injuries. The tow job alone was $900. 😖 Sometimes the Lord blesses missionaries even when they are disobedient.


Saturday I finished our taxes for the year. That's always nice to get that done. We came out short on the Federal but got some of it back from the State. I'm not sure why things have to be so complicated. Paying tithing is so much more simple but the Church doesn't get the bureaucracy involved. I think I did them correctly but who knows as there was a place or two where I wasn't sure and made a guess. I've never been audited and wouldn't like to go through that process. 

Garrett and Christian
There was another baptism in the branch today. Garrett was baptized by her boyfriend Christian. He was baptized just a couple of weeks ago. The have some family coming to Church with them so maybe we will see more baptisms from them in the future. The attendance was great as we had a linger longer afterwards and food brings out the crowd. Baptisms are held in the R.S. room which isn't near big enough when there is a crowd. And the cultural hall isn't big enough when food is served. The linger longer was for the Bradfords who leave the first week in March. The branch will surely miss them. Another couple, the Halls, will replace them a few days after they leave. I hope the Hall's have a big car so they can give rides as that is the biggest challenge for the branch.

Lingering longer
And I am filled with charity, which is everlasting love; wherefore, all children are alike unto me; wherefore, I love little children with a perfect love; and they are all alike and partakers of salvation.

Moroni 8:17


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