Week #70

Even colder after a warm day
Gas prices and temperatures were in fluxuation all week. The gas had been going down a couple of cents every week or so and got down to $2.62. Then bam. In just one day it was up to $2.99. It seems to me the fuel in the tanks at the station would still have been worth the $2.62 but then I don't understand high finance. 

The temperature has been about as crazy as gas prices. The days have been fairly pleasant with temps around 60 degrees. One afternoon, it was 76 degrees and that night it dropped to 17. That was a rude awakening that winter is officially still here. But that only lasted a day or so and today it is 81 as I write.

inspection team
Mom told you that I've been skipping out of zone conference meetings. Shame on me but I can't hear much so thought it was a better use of my time to help Elder Healy with the cars. It was a cold morning but not as cold as the other two zone conference days so I lucked out with that. My job was to check the oil and add some when needed. Most are new cars so didn't need any but I did find two that needed a quart. Both were Volkswagens. We've only got one more zone conference to go. We still don't have replacements in the pipeline so it looks as if I will be training Elder Healy or, as an alternative, President Sommerfeldt will ask a MLS couple to come in to take our place.

Elder Healy gave a presentation for FHE this past Monday. He spoke and showed pictures of his and Sister Healy's mission to Indonesia. I'll take our experience in Russia, thank you. He showed some pretty tragic pictures that some in our group had a hard time getting their head around. Lots of amputees. He said if someone got anything more than a simple break that the limb was amputated. They also did a humanitarian project for a leper colony. The residents tried to raise catfish to sale to support themselves. The Healy's got permission from the Church to build a fish hatchery on the grounds so that the people were able to become much more productive in raising the fish. Elder Healy also showed pictures of the flooding that occurred multiple times a year that were amazing. We are so blessed.

What's the story?
Friday afternoon mom and I went to an apartment that we are closing to make sure it was clean and ready for the landlord walkthrough. If you ever need a roll of caution tape warning of buried electric line below, be sure to ask the local missionaries if they have such. It's always the last place you think to look for it. Other than a bunch of junk that either needed to go the the cave, Salvation Army, or the trash, the apartment was fairly clean and ready to go. 

Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.  2Nephi 2:6


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