Week #71

This might even be shorter than mom's letter. We are both tired after a short night and a long day. I keep thinking each daylight savings change that it might be my last one. I've been hoping for such for many years. Just watch. The politicians will get their act together just after I die and fix things. But until then, I'll keep hoping.

We taught Sister Silva the first temple prep lesson before church this morning. Her husband, who received his endowment a few months ago, sat in with us. Sister Silva sat in on his lessons so most of this will be a review for her. Both have had a hard life but are progressing well in the Church.

Minus the Sisters
Saturday evening we were to have all six missionaries from the Branch over for dinner. In the afternoon, Elder Healy called and said we had a problem. The Sisters from our Branch had called and said their car was stolen. They were asked if it could have been towed. "Oh,no. We were parked in our assigned parking place." The police were called and they looked on their computer and, shock!, it was towed. The vehicles in that area had been switched and the new one did not have a parking tag on it so was hauled off. We'll need to remember to get a new tag each time a different car is assigned to that area. Now our challenge is to come up with $500 cash to get the car out of hock. There is always something. Mom was upset, and I don't blame her, that the dinner she sent home with the Elders for the Sisters never got to them. I'm not sure what happened but I hope someone enjoyed it. Mom even made rolls.

The line seemed endless
+/- 70 motorcycles

The funeral for the slain police officer was very impressive. He and a city worker were shot and killed serving an eviction notice. Two other policemen were shot but will survive. The funeral was three hours! long and the procession went right in front of our office door. It took 20 minutes for just the police cars to go past me. I found it interesting that the hearst and family car came past near the end. Lots of American and Support the Blue flags. The whole thing was shown on local tv. I only hope the funeral for the city worker was somewhat comparable. 


Chiefs win again!
During zone conferences this past week, the missionaries signed a poster that President Sommerfeldt will give to Andy Reid congratulating him on another Super Bowl win. The mission did the same thing last year. If the Chiefs win again next year, they will have to think up something different. Brother Reid is not shy about sharing his faith.

Great missionaries.
Elder and Sister Bradford went home this week. The Branch will surely miss them and the Hall's have some big shoes to fill. I thought the same thing when the Bradfords replaced the Allreds but it seems to always work out. MLS missionaries sometimes have to "make work" but not in this branch.                                                                                                                             This didn't end up too short! 😁

For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.

2 Nephi 25:23


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