Week #72

Sister Creer and the 
 Last week was a good week for senior missionaries arriving in the
mission. Sister Creer will be in the office as mission secretary. She is learning from Sister Welbern who was so good to come in and take over when Sister Kearns had to have surgery. We would have been in a world of hurts without her.  Sister Welbern heads out on a trip next week. Sister Ramirez, who speaks no English, came to us from Mexico and is excited to be here. The Hall's arrived to take the place of the Bradford's in our Riverview branch. They fit right in and hit the ground running. All will be a great blessing to the mission. Our replacements, the Parker's, will be here the first week in June.

Sister Welbern
It's been an interesting week for the weather. We had tornado warnings one day this week and I guess the wind and rain and hail were bad up north and west of us. A couple of the missionary cars had hail damage. Then Friday there was a 3.5 earthquake in the Kansas City area. I didn't feel it.

Drivers minus a few.
Friday morning, Elder Healy got a call saying the Nissan dealer had 14 cars that needed to be picked up that day as they had run out of parking spots at the dealer. So the Assistants rounded up some Elders and the Healy's called some senior missionaries and we ended up with 16 of us going. It ended up that there were only 10 cars ready for pick up. These dealers need to hire mom to get them organized.

Mom and I ran were approached by a couple of anti's while out for our walk on Thursday. This big black Suburban with dark windows pull up next to us and asked if we could talk. The car looked like FBI but the passenger was a tattooed guy. I told them I was going to a meeting (I was needing to talk to Pres. Sommerfeldt) so I didn't have time. He asked if I would promise to read a pamphlet if he gave it to me and I said "sure." As they were driving away I looked at the title and it was something like "Mormonism was founded on a lie". I yelled after the car, "I'm not going to read it!"  Later on our walk we saw them talking to a couple with small kids on the Temple Lot. Great Christians!

The Hall's

Sister Ramirez

Thus did Alma teach his people, that every man should love his neighbor as himself, that there should be no contention among them.  Mosiah 23:15


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