Week #9

 It has stayed warmer this week with the highs in the 40's or low 50's. We are grateful for that. Last night it got down to 23 degrees so we left the faucets dripping and opened up the cupboard doors. It probably was not necessary but we will be super cautious after being bit by our last experience. So far I've only had to scrap car windows one time although it was close this morning.

About done.

Earlier this week the front door to the office fell off. Yes, just completely fell off. A couple of Elders caught it so it didn't get smashed or we would have had a big problem getting closed up for the night. I'm not sure I would have liked sleeping at the office. We called the FM group and after convincing them we had an emergency they called someone to contract the work out. The guy showed up and worked on the door for a few hours until time to close. Even though it was off its hinges we were able to set it in the frame to lock the door. Also, it got quite cool in the office as the door was off for a long stretch. The guy came back the next day with a part he needed and did a nice job of getting the door secured. I don't think it will fall off again as the hinges run up and down the whole side of the door.

About ten days ago gas jumped 24 cents in one day - from $2.45 to $2.69 and then kept going up before peaking at $2.89. At the time I thought we were back on our way to $3.00+ gas but since peaking it has again dropped back to $2.65. I need to fill up this week. I'll never understand the fluctuations in gas prices.

I thought I would have a slow week in the office but it seems there is always something coming in to work on. I keep getting previous balance statements saying we are in arrears but it usually ends up a lost check or an accounting problem. Each problem takes awhile to figure out. I'm looking forward to a time when all the accounts balance out at zero. That will probably never happen.

I think I mentioned previously that I am working on getting all senior missionary internet under a church account. I called the number on the email announcing the new policy and all I got was "let the Spirit direct you, Elder Perry." In other words, no help at all. I've now worked my way up three levels in the bureaucracy and the last guy said to call the number on the email. I told him the only thing I got from that call was to pray about it. Then this last guy sent an email to the next guy up the line saying to read my response. I may be getting a call and release from President Nelson soon. 😎 I also told them this was a more complex procedure than what they made it out to be. You try working your way through Xfinity's computer menu and being passed from one person to the next - if they even answer their phone.

The Elders asked us to drive new members to the temple for baptisms on Saturday and mom let them know we would be glad to if they had already worked through asking branch members. There aren't many in the branch with cars but there are a few. Anyway, they didn't call back. President Bennett always said they more the missionaries do for the members the more dependent they become on the
missionaries and that is not good.

Good Elders: Loper, McDonald, Simmons, Connell
We had those same missionaries over for dinner and they are good missionaries. We were impressed by their manners and the good spirit they brought with them.

HIghlights for the week:

Took the Hegviks to lunch on Tuesday and got to know them better. They live about 20 minutes away in Shawnee, Kansas. We are taking the others office workers out to lunch this Tuesday.

Had dinner with Elder and Sister Allred today. Yummy. They are from Bountiful and go home in April.

Elder and Sister Allred

Seems most of my highlights center around food. πŸ˜‹

Keep praying for Katelyn. Mom has kept you up to date on her and appreciate you kids helping Travis and Jenny. Travis says there are lots of other serious health problems with his ward members so it has been hard on him. One ward member died just today.

And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.

 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.     Alma 7:11-12

I finished another  diamond painting this week. I'm waiting for one from Amazon that I ordered for Kylie.

Mom likes this one - me not so much.


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