Week #19

Cars/missionaries piled up in the parking lot
That was a quick week. Time flies when you are having fun.

Transfers were this with fifteen new missionaries arriving and the same number departing. Elder Hegvik had it arranged to switch out ten old vehicles with new ones at transfers. Elder and Sister Ball substituted for Elder Hegvik as he was gone. It turned out to be a very rainy day and the poor Ball's got drenched. Most of the missionaries were packed in the office and taking good advantage of the candy jar. That went on for about two hours before they were all on their way with their new vehicles. I helped get the old ones down to the shed area where they will await a trip to the auction. The Ball's couldn't use help during the exchange as they didn't want too many hands in the pie and getting things fouled up. Eighty-six cars are to be switched out before the end of the year and it seems most of them are coming at this time. I think there are something like 25-30 more to go.

All done and packed.
To be washed...
Mom and Sister Ethington have become the official laundressess for the mission. As missionaries depart, they bring in their bedding and it needs to be cleaned before it is used again. It seems we are continually bringing home bags of laundry. Mom does a nice job of cleaning and labeling and then putting the clean stuff in plastic bags. Then they are stored in "the cave" for the next missionary.

The last couple of nights have been down into the teens with the highs in the low 40's. We had ice and snow on the car one day this week with the doors frozen. I see the forecast is close to seventy for Wednesday. 😏 I also see where Utah is due for another wet week.

We had Elder and Sister Bradford from West Lind, Oregon over for dinner today. They just got here yesterday evening to take over for the Allred's and we figured their cupboards were bare. They look like a good fit for the Riverview branch. I forgot to get a picture of them.

I'm feeling a lot more comfortable with my financial position but I definitely won't get too cocky as I'm sure I'll be humbled again soon. I got with the gas company and I hope got the goof I made my first week fixed. They said it was so we'll see when I get the next payment notices. I also got the rent paid this week with hopefully no problems. I've made up a worksheet where I double check my work before sending off payments. We'll see, as there is always something trying to throw a wrench in the works. I had a landlord on extended vacation to Texas who had the mail forwarded but never got there. So I had to cancel that check and send a double payment this week. Another was having problems with their mailing address and the check was supposedly sent back to SLC but never arrive. I also had to cancel that check and resend one. Can you see a pattern with the postal system here?

 The ladies together one last 

Monday evening we had Sisters Welbern and Ethington over for dinner as it was Sister Welbern's last week. Mom has already had to call her to fix a computer problem. They worked for hours and it took Sister Welbern about five minutes. 

The picture of Monday's staff meeting shows President Ames signing all the paperwork. My stack for him to sign is in the manila folder in front of him. Sister Welben is leaning on three copies of the 2022 mission history. I have assumed that assignment and I know I won't be as thorough as she was. Then, again, I don't think anyone would be. She brought the lemon cake and it was yummy!

I was really taking a picture
of the cake

We read 2 Nephi 9 this morning. One of my favorite Book of Mormon chapters with so much doctrine. 

But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God.          2 Nephi 9:29

Sis. Ball finds out microwaves 
melt plastic

Even the delivery men love
our ladies


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