Week #21

Not much out of the ordinary went on this week. Monday evening was senior family home evening. Each time there is a potluck dinner and some kind of presentation. This week a Brother Rudd, whose sister is serving a mission here, was asked by her to present about a dig he is involved with in Israel. He and his wife flew out from Utah just to speak to us. He is very involved in the archeological dig of a cave that includes the name Lehi in it. From a small cave it has turned into to a massive undertaking covering something like 2 square miles. They have dug down and found layers of civilizations. The dig is down to about the time of Christ and they hope to get down to the era of Lehi soon. It was all pretty interesting.

Spring is springing
Life is tough
We enjoyed all the sessions of conference. Saturday evening was my favorite - maybe because it was just over an hour. 😁 But there were some really good talks that session. Mom and I made ourselves comfortable in our recliners in the living room. Much nicer than the hard chairs in the extra bedroom where the computer usually sits. We went for a walk between sessions today and it was in the 70's. Trees are in blossom so I think spring weather might be here to stay. Sorry Utah.

"The most correct of any book..."
I got a picture of our supply closet this week. We have copies of the Book of Mormon in so many languages - from Afrikaans to Zulu and many languages I've never heard of. How about Xhosa or Yeruba or Tsawa? We are flooding the earth with the Book of Mormon. Speaking of which, mom and I read Jacob 5 this evening. It's always nice to get past that. I can't say I understand it all but I get the gist of it. Many years ago, Mesha gave me a thick book just on Jacob 5 so what I know comes from what I got out of that book.

All about Moses
Zone conferences were this week. We went on Wednesday.  President and Sister Ames only have two more before they are released. They try not to act excited but they are. We have already planned a date for their farewell party as we knew we needed to set a date before their calendar got filled.

Mom finished a puzzle and I finished a diamond painting this week.

Mom sent you a link for an Easter week study plan. I don't know which one she sent but I'll send a link to the one I found. It would only take but a few minutes with your family each day. It's not too late to study the Palm Sunday one about Christ's entry into Jerusalem. Here it is: 


Have a good week!

And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.

Matthew 21:9


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