Week #23

By the building next to our apartment
The weather has been up and down. For a couple of days we ran the air conditioner and another couple of days it was cold but we didn't turn on the heat. From the looks of the forecast this will continue to be the case. I even wore a short sleeve white shirt a few days.

Friday the power went out and we had two hours of not much to do. I went out and supervised the firemen and electricians. The live wire started a little grass fire among the dead grass along side the road. Some lady was out walking her dog and I told her she needed to be aware of the down wire but she didn't pay me any attention. All the while the dog was acting like he wanted me dead. As she started to approach the wire the electrician drove up honking his horn telling her to stay back. She did. Naughty me wished the dog would have touched the wire. While out there I took a picture of a tree mom likes. It sits in the lot just east of the office and is where the old LDS chapel used to be.

Me making sure it was done correctly

There was a baptism in our branch today. A member married a lady yesterday and baptised her today. Mom and I didn't know ahead of time about the baptism and didn't attend as we had invited Nick and Norma King over for and early dinner. We were told the lady had COVID and so only a few were invited to the wedding and that the baptism was postponed. I guess she had a quick recovery.

At one time there were two fire engines
and four electrical trucks
I got the most of the rent paid this week. While doing so I found out a rent payment for February had never arrived and we had accumulated $140 late fees. I didn't know about it until I went into the portal to pay this month. I called the lady and she knew it must have been a post office problem as we are good about paying on time. She was very nice in waiving the late fee. I'm about to the point of working around the post office and paying as many rents as I can with our credit card even though that costs $30+ dollars in service fees. But late fees add up even faster.

Mom's tree

Monday I drove a van full of senior missionaries to pick up six new Chevy Equinoxes. It seems as if it is always raining when we make these runs and I don't know where I'm going. This time I had to drive through the middle of Kansas City to get there. The GPS took me on a much better route on the way back to the office.

It's late so I'll quit. After Nick and Norma left we did Come Follow Me and then there was a new member Zoom devotional we watched. And now it is late.

But I say unto you, Love your enemiesbless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 

Matthew 5:44-45


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