
Showing posts from July, 2023

Week #38

Not walking weather It was a hot week with temperatures in the high 90's and 100's which doesn't sound all that bad but combined with the humidity it makes walking outside like entering a sauna. And walking back into the air conditioned office like walking into a freezer. So we haven't been doing much walking lately. Yesterday evening the electricity went off a couple of times for a few seconds as we had thunderstorms. Mom asked me this morning if I had turned the thermostat up as it was set on 85 degrees. All I can think of is that the electricity going off goofed up the thermostat. We still slept well as the temperature only got to 77 degrees and it is running fine now. There was even a bird's nest Tuesday I had to make a bank deposit and since the cheap car wash is along the way I thought maybe I'd stop. I looked at the weather forecast and it said 8% chance of rain. I wasn't back to the office 30 minutes when we had a ten minute downpour. I didn't fe

Week #37

Senior missionaries at the game It looks as if things are going to warm up around here. Last week the temperatures seemed to moderate but I looked at the forecast this morning and the week coming up has high temperatures in the 100's with a high of 105 degrees next Sunday. I guess it is called summer. We are thankful for AC and that we don't have to work out in the heat. Barely... We did enjoy the Royals baseball game Tuesday evening. There was some rain pregame but none during the game. It was Dollar Dog Nite which we took advantage of and we each got a free Royals tee shirt to boot. Talk about a cheap date. The Royals tried their best to lose the game. They got behind in the first inning on a two run homer but led most of the game even though the same guy also hit a three run homer. The Royals led by five going into the top of the ninth but gave up four runs and ended up winning 11-10 with the tying runner on base. So it was a fun game with lots of scoring. The missionaries s

Week #36

...simply amazing Amazing...  I only have a short while as we are going to cousin Norma and Nick's home for dinner. Mom told you all the news anyway so I will only add a comment or two and some pictures. The missionaries walking away from the crash with only a scratch or two was really nothing short of a miracle as the pictures show. They ran into the back of a F350 Ford pickup at 60 mph and the two vehicles then bounced off of other vehicles. The Elders came in the office Friday and you couldn't tell anything had happened to them. The Lord was watching after those missionaries. Mom by our front door The storm looking out our office Friday's storm was really something. I stood at the office door and watched most of it. Seventy mph winds, sheets of rain and 2" hail in some places. I'm glad the hail didn't hit us as I'm not sure my insurance covers that. Our apartment complex will be a while cleaning up the mess. I'm also glad I wasn't driving at the

Week #35

It was a much nicer week with the cooler weather and we got our morning walk in most of the week. For some reason, our car window gets dirty and I have to clean it every couple of days. It is amazing how hot it gets as I can hardly stand to wipe them with a paper towel. I'm sure the tinted windows don't help matters. I've never used a sun shade as I found them more bother than what they are worth but we have started putting one up each day. Bingham-Waggoner home. Photo off the internet Mom mentioned that we got our five new computers in this week and they are going to be a pain getting set up and running. The new computer doesn't have as many ports as the old one and I'm trying to figure out how to get the second monitor we each have connected. I also need to figure out how to download all the programs onto the new computer. Last time I did this, I think on our Oakland mission, I connected the two computers together but now we have to download everything from Onedri

Week #34

 I don't feel much like writing today so it will be mostly pictures. A few highlights: We did enjoy greeting President and Sister Sommerfeldt to the mission and had a nice lunch with them on Thursday. They will do great. In greeting our new President and his wife we said goodbye to Elder and Sister Ames. I think they were pretty excited to get back home. They came to our senior FHE Monday evening and shared some interesting insights into the calling of a mission president. The STLT's hearted the office for the Sommerfeldt's arrival. Missionaries had written on them this past zone conference. Mom mentioned the weather has turned hot. I have missed our morning walks. We may be able to resume them sometime this week. Independence celebrated Independence Day Saturday evening with a get together and fireworks on the large lot behind the Visitor's Center. It was too hot for us to want to go. I spent a lot of time this week putting things together - cabinets from IKEA and comp