
Showing posts from November, 2023

Week #56

New V.W.'s The beginning of the week was pretty nice weatherwise but things went downhill about Thanksgiving day. I had about decided to get the car washed on Tuesday but glad I didn't. After the snow last night and with the drive to church this morning, the car is a mess. The roads were wet and cars passing kicked up dirty water on the car. I had covered my windshield with an old towel so the front window was clear but the other windows were iced and snowed over. I guess winter weather is here. Thanksgiving dinner I made two trips to the Volkswagen dealer on Tuesday to pick up new Teaguns. They are the first Volkswagens for our mission. Elder Healy was having a hard time getting the tiwis installed so called another vehicle coordinator in the SLC mission who told him how. He had pictures and everything. Now, Elder Healy can teach others how to do it. Sis. Sommerfeldt's family The food was great at our Thanksgiving dinner. That's what you get when senior sisters are ask

Week #55

A beautiful day I just read mom's letter and it doesn't leave much for me to say. I did get rent submitted this week which makes me nervous each time I have to hit the "enter" key. There are 15 payments that I still have to go into the apartment portal and charge the rent to the church account but that just needs to be done before the end of the month.  Saturday was busy for the first half of the day. We were to the grocery store before 7:00 a.m. so that we could get to the stake center to get our work there done before 10:00. We had previously prepared 23 bags with all the bedding for the new missionaries. Saturday, we had to take them from the cave to just inside a side door at the stake center and line them all up alphabetically in the hallway. We also put a 72 hour kit and a "Light the World" tee shirt for each with the bags. We had a temple appointment after that. I guess everything went well as we haven't heard any complaints. I forgot to get a pic

Week #54

Ho, Ho, Ho. The Christensen's The weeks just seem to keep rolling on. This next week will be busy as there are missionaries coming (25) and going (12?), transfers, work on rent for December, and MSF due for the missionaries. It is always a challenge to submit money for the missionaries when transfers are going on. So at least the week ought to not be boring and should go by quickly. Mom told you we wrapped Christmas presents on Monday. Well, mom and Sister Christensen wrapped while Elder Christensen dropped gifts into holiday bags and I kept things running so others would not have to get up and down. I even played some Christmas music to get us in the spirit of things. It will be here before you know it. Still some pretty leaves left The price of gas is being weird. I thought for sure with the way things are going in the Middle East that it would shoot up but it is still going down slowly. It has been $2.83 in some places and Sam's Club had it for $2.76. It is hard to second gu

Week #53

Some good missionaries We just ushered the missionaries out the door after having them all over for dinner. Mom made taco soup and we had my birthday cake and ice cream for dessert. These were all missionaries from our Riverview branch plus Elder Martinez who is a service missionary. Mom likes to feed them all at one time instead of having them over piecemeal.  It was a slow week. Monday was busy but after that things slowed down. On Monday, we got a ton of mail as it hadn't been delivered Thursday or Friday of the previous week. The mail man wasn't sure what had happened as he was surprised at the amount of mail we had on Monday. This is not our grandfathers' postal system. Preparation day activity We enjoyed a nice stake conference this weekend. It is always a nice break from the routine. The saints here know how to sing. I can sing as loud as I want during the congregational hymns and not have to worry about my off key singing as no one can hear me above the congregation